Sad Cypress
Sad Cypress
| 26 December 2003 (USA)
Sad Cypress Trailers

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
lovemydesignergenes The other reviews do a good job summarizing this fine movie. So I'm "casting" this book with actual people from Agatha Christie's own real-life romantic tragedy...Fickle Fiancé' Roddy Winter...could be played by Agatha Christie's charming but unfaithful first husband Archie Christie.Elinor's aunt Madame Wellman could be cast as Agatha's late mother. Like Elinor Carlisle, Agatha Christie faced a double loss of two beloved people. In Agatha's case, it was her recently deceased beloved mother and -- soon after --the departure of her fickle husband Archie.Hercules Poirot...does not have a direct counterpart in Agatha's real life marriage breakup.. His advice to Elinor is wisely given... Perhaps he represents various unnamed friends who gave her support.Actually, Dr. Lord, who has admired Elinor from afar, I'd definitely cast as Max Mallowan, Agatha's beloved and faithful second husband. Dr. Lord radiates loyalty and good character. He brings in Hercules Poirot and (partial spoiler) Hercules Poirot...ultimately saves Elinor from execution for the murders of Madame Wellman and Mary Garrard.Mary Gerrard, the new love of Fickle Roddy Winter, represents the actual young woman who captured her husband's heart while she, Agatha, was away settling her late mother's estate.I think it unsurprising that Mary is...murdered. However, Mary is shown as a pleasant young woman who accepts Roddy's attentions but declares "I did not lead him on." Elinor feels guilty because she wanted dead...but she will learn...there's a difference between desire...and action.The actual murderer is, of course, eventually revealed. However, Elinor's resignation at her murder conviction almost keeps Poirot from getting from her...the key info find the actual murderer.So...this is a very human drama with love/loss as a repeated theme...Madame Wellman's lost love; Elinor's lost Roddy Winter; Roddy's soon-murdered new love..Mary Gerrard.Christie does not make simple good/bad characters. I hope writing this book helped her work through her personal pain. This book was published over 10 years after her marriage broke up. Her second Max Mallowan...was a success. I "imagine" Elinor Carlisle and the kind Dr. Lord in a similar good marriage...
blanche-2 "Sad Cypress" is an absorbing Poirot mystery, and features some familiar names to those of us who love British mysteries.The story begins at the trial of Elinor Carlisle (Elisabeth Dermot Walsh) at which Poirot is present. She has been accused of murdering her rival, Mary Gerrard (Kelly Reilly). Her aunt's doctor (Paul McGann) insists to Poirot that Elinor could not have done it and begs Poirot for help. He goes to the house to investigate, but finds himself at a disadvantage. Everyone seems to be lying to him, including the doctor.Elinor, Mary, and Elinor's fiancée, Roddy (Rupert Penry-Jones) were all childhood friends. Elinor receives an anonymous letter indicating that her expected inheritance from her aunt (Diana Quick) is in danger thanks to an interloper. She and Roddy go to visit their aunt and find that Mary has returned after being away from some time. The aunt is very ill and being attended to by a nurse and Mary.After being at the house for several days, it becomes apparent to Elinor that Roddy and Mary are not only attracted to one another but acting on it. Elinor breaks off the engagement. While at the house, Elinor's aunt dies, and Elinor, knowing had she not died, her aunt wanted Mary to have some money, gives her some money from the estate.Later, she has a luncheon for Mary and the nurse (Phyllis Logan). Mary is found dead of poisoning later on. When her aunt's body is exhumed at Poirot's insistence, it turns out she was also poisoned. Elinor is accused and put on trial. She admits to wanting Mary dead.I thought Rupert Penry-Jones looked familiar, but his hair is very blond in this so I didn't realize he was Carter on MI-5 and the star of so many other British shows. Phyllis Logan was a mainstay on Lovejoy. Beautiful Kelly Reilly had her own series for a time, Above Suspicion, and has also had a recurring role on True Detective and the series Black Box.Very absorbing, with the usual high production values. There were comments of Suchet slowing down as Poirot. Perhaps - in this program, he appears less than usual, but he is excellent. I do miss Japp, Hastings, and Miss Lemon, and I frankly don't understand why they weren't used in later episodes.The plot is a little contrived, but watch and enjoy.
gridoon2018 Hercule Poirot looks into the case of a woman accused for two murders: there is overwhelming evidence against her, her dislike for one of the victims - the girl who stole her fiancé's heart - is well-known, and she doesn't express any feelings of regret. Despite all that, a doctor, who is secretly in love with her, is convinced of her innocence and asks his old friend Poirot to help him prove it.Let me put it simply: the story, direction, performances, music, and set design of "Sad Cypress" are of higher quality than approximately 90% of what is available out there. Dropping the (highly entertaining, it must be said) sidekicks, changing the tone to almost completely serious, and reducing Poirot's screen time in favor of the other characters (in fact, it could be argued that the beautiful Elisabeth Dermot Walsh is the central figure here) are all bold moves, and they pay off brilliantly, in this case at least. Up to this point in the series, and without having seen "Five Little Pigs" yet, the only episodes I would rank above this one are "Wasps' Nest" and "Lord Edgeware Dies".A must-see if you love good cinema, even when it's made for TV. (***1/2)
sasha99 POSSIBLE SPOILERS BELOW!!I just watched this on TV, and at precisely 10 before the hour when Poirot was about to explain all, some movers came to my door to pick up some stuff and I had to leave the room! When I came back, Elinor was being let out of jail and got in the car with the doctor. It looked like something was going on between them. So could someone please (with plenty of spoiler warnings) tell me who did it, how, and why. I left right when Poirot was saying that EVERYONE had lied to him. If Elinor didn't do it, why did she say she had no remorse? Was Mary really the daughter? What happened while Mary was away in Europe. If you don't want to post here, email me at eve0000z at yahoo. Thanks!