| 07 June 2014 (USA)
Sacrament Trailers

Leaving the city behind for a weekend of booze, bud and bonding at the coast, seven friends find themselves stranded en route to the Gulf Coast of Texas when a big storm interferes with their plans.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Michael Ledo Seven young adults get to stay in Middlespring, Texas known for religion and cannibalism as they "cut through the lies." The town is determined to save mankind one sirloin at a time. We find out it is written "a man whose faith is weak eats only vegetables." We also learn that the "final girl" can be a guy if he is gay.The denomination and town in general was not well developed. The "feeders" needed a more detailed explanation. None of the kids had cell phones, so they didn't have to pretend they had no reception. If I was chained by the wrist to the wall, breaking my hand and wrist wouldn't be an option until I knew they were going to kill me. The acting was expected for a "B" horror. The dialogue was kept light to maintain interest but wasn't as funny to me as it was to them.Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (including ginger male frontal)
kerchelnate So it's a low budget, badly acted 'horror' movie. I almost want to recategorise this movie as 'comedy'. I have seen worse from some of the biggest Hollywood 'stars'though. One almost got the feeling that the actors knew how bad the film was but hoped that it was so bad that it would gather 'cult' status. I don't think it will - but as a pure 'horror' movie it is worth a look at least. It is, for me, no worse than cannibal movies like 'The Hills Have Eyes'. As for those who feel that Christianity is given a raw deal - I say too bad. As a Buddhist myself, there is one word I think fits the situation for the miffed Christians - KARMA!
nurseguybri Sure, there are some "interesting" acting moments, but take the movie for what it is- an indie horror. It hits that mark for me. I liked the moments of humor too, it was a great contrast to the other parts. There are some good gory parts and a few jumpy moments. I enjoyed that there was a gay inclusion but wasn't the focus of the movie, just a normal part of it. Some parts were a little predictable, but there is a good overall feeling of suspense. I would have liked to see quicker movement of the traveling group into the main story line, but I like the movie overall. At about 80 minutes in it gets very good. My biggest complaint is we don't know what happened to the big girl!! The premise is solid to me and I really enjoyed the film!
Bloodmarsh Krackoon Am I the only person here lucky enough to have seen 'Sacrament?' Seriously, guys, my fellow movie goers - I can't possibly be the only person here that was blessed by the all mighty lord: Shawn Ewert. The writer/director of this fine addition to the horror genre. 'Sacrament' doesn't only cater to us horror fans, but Shawn manages to offer a little religion for the religious folks out there - toss in some homosexuality, an emo goth... and, well, what would a horror film be without a little Cannibalism, too, right? All the cliché characters are here - all played by, you guessed it, no name actors that scene steal each other by trying to be the worst actor in the film (my vote goes to the guy who played the son of the religious leader.) So, anyway - 'Sacrament' is about a town full of religious cannibals running short on their food supply, but lucky for them, seven friends ride into town (oh gee, more originality.) A few bad kill scenes, some nice homemade barbecue - that's pretty much it.Random Ramblings of a Madman: Note to self - If I ever ride into a town full of religious cannibals, pretend to be homosexual - because I guess they don't make for good barbecue.