R | 21 June 2013 (USA)
Rushlights Trailers

Young lovers Billy and Sarah journey from L.A. to Texas with plans to make a false claim to the valuable assets left behind by a dead friend. But when their voyage brings them to Tremo, Texas, they find a bizarre and sinister world awaiting them.

Micitype Pretty Good
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Jill D Squared WARNING ** MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS ** Set in Alabama and based upon a true story, Rushlights is captivating, full of intrigue and cleverly written - full of plot twists and surprises. The layers and layers of deceit and mistrust coupled with the incredible chemistry between the two main characters, Sarah (Haley Webb) and Billy (Josh Henderson) make this one of my favorite movies of the year. Fantastic cinematography, storyline and film score, this movie is nothing less than titillating. The story becomes darker as the movie progresses. Beau Bridges is phenomenal as the untrusting Sheriff, who suspects the two main characters of fraud when they come to collect the fortune of the dead Uncle of Sarah. Turns out, Sarah is not really his niece and not entitled to the estate. A must see. Loved it!
oeqmfjjc Honestly and truthfully, I thought this was going to be semi-mediocre, at best. My girlfriend is a big Josh Henderson fan, so she made me watch go and see it. Anyway, I don't know and am not really sure what some of these people are talking about on here. Slow-paced? Boring? Yeah right! I almost fell out of my chair at one point in the movie! I was really, really, really impressed, and I don't say that often. I did not expect it to be anywhere near that good! The acting was much better than I expected too, for sure. Beau Bridges killed it, as always. The whole, entire production was pretty impressive come to think of it. Go see it now!
rogerb-391-111246 Where do I start? First the positives. The performances are okay but nothing memorable. Beautifully shot by Gregg Easterbrook giving a proper carmine tone to reflect the proceedings taking place in a small dusty Texas town. The score is slightly ambitious and overbearing for a flick that with few cuts and ADR should be perfect as Lifetime offering.Nothing original about the plot. Girl (Haley Webb) meets a drifter (all smoldering Josh Henderson), become lovers with just bat of an eye and intense gaze and somehow construed to conned their way to riches only to find obstacles in shape of town Sheriff (Beau Bridges) with his deputy Earl (Jordan Bridges) in tow. I bet Bridges told the producers he will work for half the pay for price of two Bridges. The grifters also had to contend with the appearance of maniacal Edward (Crispian Belfrage) looking for the share of the loot.Rushlights aim to be the type of B-grade noirish we used to get plentiful of in late 80's and early 90's with smattering of violence, characters with hidden agenda and oodles of nudity to cover for the familiarity of the plot and distract us until the final twist. Only that Rushlights lacked nearly all the ingredients listed. The flick needed something to make it a standout in the genre. Violence is minimal. Sleazy factor is zero. Shocking scenes to jolt us out of stupor.Tacked on climax(es) is just plain ridiculous.Aidan Quinn was pretty absorbing with his Texan lawyer persona. The guy needs to be a regular player on TV-circuit than merely being guest stars and supporting roles in films.Josh is safe from unemployment thanks to TV's Dallas. He needs to put in more effort beyond getting in someone face or staring at them like they stole his bicycle or something.English actor Crispian doesn't bother to hide his accent but comes off best especially in scenes with Haley which itself felt restrained when you needed the pair cat-and-mouse game to be more graphic in nature.As a fan of film nudity, there is nothing from lovely Haley. Strangely, I would been disappointed if she went nude. I think she is way too talented to be involved in this middling effort. She got nothing to work with here. Her ability to emote in dramatic scenes is wasted on such a thin material worsened by flimsy clichéd dialogues. It's time for Haley to take a chance and step out of her comfort zone before it's too late. Young actresses have expiry date in youth-obsessed Hollywood.
Z32 A lot of reviews on Rotten Tomatoes have been railing on how bad the music is, I thought the music was fine. What was bad, actually, terrible, was the sound mix. My god, I haven't had to sit through a mix that bad in years. I never really thought a sound mix could ruin a movie so badly, but this one did. As educated as movie critics like to think they are, they are usually clueless when it comes to how a film is actually put together and merely react in a knee jerk fashion to the easiest thing their little minds can grasp, in this case, the score. Don't get me wrong, the score was not spectacular (although I did like the theme music), but it was mixed in WAY too loud, so subtle stings were turned into ear-splitting shrieks. ALL of the sound effects were mixed in way too loud and ruined perspective/context. For instance, there's an establishing shot of an apartment building and way off in the distance there was the flashing lights from a helicopter, but the way the sound was mixed in, it sounded like it was about to land on top of the car that was pulling up. Why the hell would you mix something that is so distant and has absolutely nothing to do with the scene so loudly into the show? Unbelievable. Any scene that took place in the kitchen sounded like there were 30 pots of boiling water somewhere. There's also a scene where Haley is putting a bandage on Josh's forehead in the bathroom and it sounds like someone's filling a bathtub just out of frame... what the hell is that about? Anyway, ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE MIX aside, the acting was quite strong, particularly from Aidan Quinn and of course Beau Bridges is always good. Haley was pretty good through most of it as was Josh, though there were a few sections where their vibe seemed off. It feels like there were a few large scenes that were cut, so we're kind of missing why the characters mood have changed so much. Overall I liked the story but it did feel like some of the connecting tissue was somehow missing and it feels like I was rushed through it. The Production Design and Cinematography are the stand outs in this film. The whole move looks great and it's nice to see an indie film that was still shot on 35mm instead of RED. All the sets look really good and I couldn't tell which was a built set and which was a location, which is pretty impressive!All-in-all, I think it's a film worth seeing (I saw it at the Chinese Theatre in LA) but man, that mix will pretty much ruin most people's enjoyment of the film.