Run, Hide, Die
Run, Hide, Die
NR | 01 September 2015 (USA)
Run, Hide, Die Trailers

On the anniversary weekend of the death of a young women's husband, five girls head out to a cabin to help their friend move past her husband's death. As the party continues a dark secret begins to unravel and a hideous past crawls out to seek revenge.

PodBill Just what I expected
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
dx_baby I love the fake reviews that can't say one specific thing about the movie. I found that if you mute any scene with all five college-ish girls the movie is watchable. Their dialogue is unbelievably forced, especially when they 'laugh' at each others' jokes. Lines like 'I begged my vibrator to take me back' or 'let's hit the trail like horsesh*t'. The 'actress' character and the wise cracking but completely unfunny lesbian character look like they're in their 40's.
dcarsonhagy Run, Hide, Die is just now making the rounds of On-Demand. Watched this little stinker last evening. It is yet another indie-crap film made for little-to-nothing and released on an unsuspecting audience.Five 35+ year old "college" female students are off to help one friend celebrate (and move past) a bad incident in her life. So, off they go into the wild blue yonder to find (natch) the proverbial cabin-in-the-middle-of-nowhere for a party. The "acting" in this was just awful, as was the sound, picture quality, editing, and directing. The movie, although listed at only 75 minutes, seems to take FOREVER to get going. You have 20-plus minutes of stupid drunken dialogue (most of which you cannot hear). The killer shows up and then you're treated to 10-plus minutes of wailing during which dialogue was written but, again, you're clueless as to what's being said because you can't make any of it out.There is not one redeeming quality about this poor excuse for a movie. We have all seen movies that were (literally) so-bad-they- are-good, but this is not one of them. This is just plain BAD. Rated "whatever" for language and violence.
Other View Based on the previous glowing reviews, you'd think this little indie film was an undiscovered gem. Or maybe, after you saw it, you'd suspect the reviewers were somehow affiliated with the film...or being charitable, just saw a different movie.In any case, this movie is just plain bad. The dialog is inane, the characters are generally unsympathetic and their behavior is irritatingly stupid when the "action" begins. The so-called "action" was followed by 10 or so minutes straight of high-pitched caterwauling and lack of realistic responses by the characters/victims. The villains were lifeless cardboard cutouts. I hoped and couldn't wait for the lot of them to be killed off and this turkey to be over.I appreciate those risk-takers who make indie movies. However, this one would have been better left at the junior high-school where it was probably written. See something else or don't say I didn't warn you!
jessiemail04 This movie is independent and it sometimes shows. Do not let that stop you from excitedly pressing play as soon as you get the chance. This horror film will surprise you. It will give you leads that are smart, funny, and well thought-out. It will give you an intelligent, dialogue-driven script and actors who can handle it. Most importantly, this horror film will do what horror films rarely do in recent years; it will genuinely horrify you by the final credits. I have seen, literally , hundreds and hundreds of horror films (my personal favorite genre) and enjoyed many. This film is enjoyable in parts, especially when establishing the likable and funny characters in the first half. But, make no mistake, it is not a film that leaves you with pleasant feelings. This film left me distressed, unsettled, and unnerved. It did so without insulting my intelligence and it even shocked me a time or two. A throw-back and an innovative horror film at once makes "The Anniversary" most definitely worth a watch.