Royal Kill
Royal Kill
| 10 April 2009 (USA)
Royal Kill Trailers

A fearsome warrior from the Kingdom of Samarza arrives in America to assassinate a high school girl. The girl does not know it, but she is the last living heir to the Kingdom. A noble guard arrives in America to protect the young princess.

Micitype Pretty Good
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Dom Nickson Spoiler Alert!!! All that build up for a twisted waste of time! I mean Adam turning into Nadia is not a turn on but a stupid waste of time. Seriously why would the movie build up a bad guy and good guy when they are both the same damn person! There were no existence of ninjas to be seen anywhere so the point of calling it Ninja's Creed is just a coax so you could hope that maybe this movie has a chance but no! It is a waste of my whole family's time! I would rather castrate myself than ever see this turd that wont flush of a film! I really feel raped like I just got out of prison and cant wipe without feeling dirty! I wonder if the director was smoking some Ganja cause the script was stupider than Eric Roberts looks. The long hair is overdone and so is this stupid movie! Thanks for reading this now go find a better movie to watch! 0 out of 10.
Destroyer Wod When the movie start you realize something is off... a king and one his soldier, in medieval outfits? Then you see Jet Fighters attacking there country... What? LOL. Then they mention the united nation won't help them... which is hard to follow and finally the warrior start his quest to help the princess before the assassin reach her. Its really hard to get in and the movie does not help you whatsoever.The fights scene are not numerous and are pretty boring in the first half of the movie. There is not even gunfights too much either. All you hear is Alexander Wraith dubbing (wich i don't understand why, since in the outtakes he seem to speak good English) and his long and boring monologue.I actually liked Lalaine tough that i knew just a bit from Buffy(as Chloe), she seem genuine in the damsel in distress and i felt a bit for her. But in the first half all the rest is forgettable...In the second half it get a bit more interesting, by sadly this is when i turned down the movie the first time watching it. I was bored... I came back 1 week later to finish it before selling it at the pawnshop but then it become a bit more interesting. The twist at the end is a good idea, it was just badly executed trough the whole movie, the final showdown is decent but could had been so much better. In any case a better second half for sure.But its looking at the bloopers and outtakes i had the most fun, i mean the actors and crew seem to have fun and its actually a good time watching them. Also sad to read about MR Miyagi's last day on a film set... The crew seem very interested in the movie and believe in it. Its too bad the final product ended not too good.I think Gail Kim could play a tough chick again in a movie, they would just need to choose better outfits for her(she wear a skirt in this, hard to take an assassin serious in that outfit) cause she got a face for it and a presence.In any case, my final verdict would be that if you like martial arts forget about this movie, there is very minimal of it, and only give it a go if you don't mind slow development stories... Its not a very good movie, but not the worst movie ever like some pointed out.
burning_roses I just watched this movie on Netflix. The name and the description definitely caught my attention because I was in the mood for "Knight in Shining Armor" type of movie.This was definitely not that type of movie.The description is, at its best, misleading. The story of the female assassin and the ordinary soldier is all in this man's head. In (this) reality, Adam is a security guard at a museum and unknowingly has a double life as a serial killer due to schizophrenia. Everything that has to deal with the Himalayan Kingdom and Nadia is fake and is imagined by Adam.The beginning seemed long and drawn out, but since the fight scene between the "warrior" and "Nadia" (which is really just Adam and his imagination), I was on the edge of my seat more or less thinking, "wtf?" as all these plot twists were being tossed out at me. It seemed like, "OK, so he is Nadia, I can get that. Oh, now this other kingdom planned it all, I can get that. Wait, so it is all completely imaginary? OK... I think I can get that..." It was just too many plot twists. I can't say that it was a bad thing, because I was still on the edge of my seat for it, but it didn't tickle my fancy.
droidariake In all reality what can I say. I honestly just saw this movie and decided to pick it up on an impulse. At first I was trying to understand the whole meaning of the movie was and the plot.Okay, I get the part where the main character I guess the "princess" is alive and is suppose to stay alive for some Himalayan Kingdom and her protector is suppose to save her. But then he turns bad and ends up killing her and then he becomes a lost soul and doesn't really know what is going on. Being that this film came out in 2009 and it was filmed earlier with Pat being in it and he passed away in 2005 kinda didn't make sense but after doing some research on the film. I would let it slide. Even though there was 2 famous actors and the acting was below mediocre. I do believe this film was in all honestly pretty bad.I guess it was a low budget film with low budget CGI, but I have seen films with better plots on a lower budget. I really don't understand what the idea was behind bringing out a film of this mess. But we will have to see what the director was hoping to accomplish in the future.Overall, I thought this movie was bad, the acting was really sub par, and I would have thought this would debut on some cable network, as it looked like it was intended for. As well as I thought this was really a waste of time, and money trying to capitalize on the whole ninja genre and momentum, which it really just failed horribly on.-Frankie