Round Ireland with a Fridge
Round Ireland with a Fridge
| 01 January 2010 (USA)
Round Ireland with a Fridge Trailers

The movie tells the story of a disillusioned television personality whose career has stalled and who is looking for answers but doesn't know the questions. When his best friend taunts him for losing his sense of adventure Tony accepts a drunken £100 bet and sets off with his unconventional traveling companion for an adventure that proved to be entertaining, educational, challenging and at times downright silly.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
peter1892 Having read the book upon which this movie is based I was interested in seeing how the story would transfer onto the screen. I read the book back when it was published (1998 I think) and I have fond memories of the original journey which Tony Hawks made around Ireland (with a fridge). I found the movie to be silly, with far too many clichés and Paddywhackery. A real pity. Also, while I didn't really expect the screenplay to follow the original storyline in exact detail I felt that adaptation was quite dull and boring, missing out some of the fun things that happened and concentrating on a few very obvious anecdotes. To be honest, there's nothing much to recommend about this film. The book, however, is still great!
morj Very insulting to the Irish Nation and to Tony Hawkes himself. Very insulting to the Irish Nation and to Tony Hawkes himself.Very insulting to the Irish Nation and to Tony Hawkes himself.Very insulting to the Irish Nation and to Tony Hawkes himself.Very insulting to the Irish Nation and to Tony Hawkes himself.Very insulting to the Irish Nation and to Tony Hawkes himself.Very insulting to the Irish Nation and to Tony Hawkes himself.Very insulting to the Irish Nation and to Tony Hawkes himself.Very insulting to the Irish Nation and to Tony Hawkes himself.Very insulting to the Irish Nation and to Tony Hawkes himself.Very insulting to the Irish Nation and to Tony Hawkes himself. Very sad.
Ange Lina After spotting a man with a fridge hitch-hiking in Ireland, the author and comedian Tony Hawks took up a challenge to do the same thing for a month. The Irish warmed to this eccentric idea, making Tony and his travelling companion most welcome. He went on to write a book about his experiences entitled Round Ireland with a Fridge. This features the fridge in a variety of locations – by the sea, hitching a lift, and attracting the attention of a couple of curious nuns. In the film of the book, Tony plays himself, accompanied by his co-star, the fridge, looking well-travelled in a multi-coloured coat of graffiti from well-wishers along the way. The making of this low-budget, independent British movie is a tale of David and Goliath - an unassuming, offbeat story taking a stand against the blockbuster giants.
iainidc The book 'Round Ireland with a Fridge' is a great read and its author, Tony Hawks, comes across as someone you'd happily stop to offer a lift to or spend a pleasant few hours exchanging amusing anecdotes down your local pub with. The film attempts to recreate the same light-hearted tone as the book; Hawks is engaging in the central role, coming across as a slightly world-weary individual who is searching for his raison d'etre in the most preposterous of situations. The film never quite matches the subtle humour of the book; nor does it do itself any favours with the portrayal of some of the characters who come across as somewhat clichéd in a 'Father Ted' kind of way (though Sean Hughes is good in a brief cameo appearance). Expect gently amusing rather than laugh out loud but with a fair degree of charm, a fine soundtrack and the likable Hawks as a genial travelling companion this is worth a watch, especially for fans of the book.