Roseanne Barr: Blonde and Bitchin'
Roseanne Barr: Blonde and Bitchin'
| 04 November 2006 (USA)

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Roseanne Barr is back with an all-new HBO comedy special! Filmed live at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles, Roseanne returns to her stand-up roots for the first time in 14 years, as she tackles hot issues of today - from gay marriage to President Bush.

PodBill Just what I expected
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Alex di Mauro Roseanne's show was such a riot. We have watched this three or four times until I thought I was done with it and deleted it. Now I regret that - I would love to see it again. I loved her ending song to "My Way" and her "gift of prophecy" section. She showed vulnerability, craziness and a lot of humor, along with a mouth. She has got a MOUTH on her! Her distinct personality and charisma were shining throughout the show. This set was fearless and very funny. If you missed it on HBO, check it out on DVD. It was great to see her back on stage, with all the energy of a live performance. She is not afraid to reveal all of her faults along with the strengths and find humor and crankiness in it all.
mswatsoninc I stayed up to catch "Roseanne: Blonde and Bitchin'" because its been so long since she's been on the stand-up circuit and I remember her being so hilarious in the '80s. Then, it dawned on me...the 80's were 20 years ago, and time had stood still...not in a good way, either.As someone stated in another post, she was cutting edge in her day. The years have not been kind to her humor...the jokes fall completely flat. Even the live audience seemed sort of ho-hum about the entire act. She goes on and on about being a mom, being divorced, being fat, hating the president, hating the war--blah, dee, blah, dee, blah, blah, blah. She covers topics like getting old, dying her hair, dating after divorce, torturing her children--we've heard it all before from countless comediennes, but, funnier, sad to say. Then, she starts bashing men, and I actually cringed when I heard her use the same joke from 20 years ago about the male mind and road maps. It's like she stepped out of a time capsule.When she started talking to audience members, I knew she was picking up on the fact that she was tanking. The "old" Roseanne would never have had to have lowered herself to audience interaction for a laugh. Then, following in the footsteps of Kathy Griffin and Joan Rivers, she immediately played to the gays. Unlike Griffin and Rivers, there weren't that many in the house...bad sign.If you're looking for laughs, watch vintage Roseanne. It's still may not be as time relevant as it once was, but, it's much easier to take than 2006 Roseanne's feeble attempt to recapture stand-up success.
Heather The reason I love this is that Roseanne is so brave. Is she bitter? Heck yeah! But she hasn't given in to that or to fear. (As displayed by her song and dance routine.) Very inspiring! I think I laughed loudest however when she said "we grew up poor...but we didn't know we were poor...because we were also very stupid." Just good comedy there. Before she ever started her joke about the personal ad she was thinking about putting in the paper, I said to my husband "The reason I like her is because she seems she could just snap at any second." I think we can all relate to that. The only thing weird about the whole thing is that I don't feel the audience thought it was as funny as I did, but maybe that was just bad editing.
jimmi_67 OK, Well, their ant a hole hell of a lot of people who would talk like this to there friends little own to the public on a stage. She is too real; as she speaks about politics and human condition here on Earth, with the emotion we want out of are politician. She talks to the hippie generation on the B.S they have created. What can you do to change the world? She shows us how to get up and get out there, and she doses it on stage. How hard it can be for us, she doses it proud and loud she hits it with her over the fence. She show there's nothing to fear but fear it self. Don't fear it's too hard. It's not that tuff to get out there and make a Difference. U go girl!