Ron White: They Call Me Tater Salad
Ron White: They Call Me Tater Salad
PG-13 | 27 June 2004 (USA)
Ron White: They Call Me Tater Salad Trailers

Ron White does an hour long standup routine about his life, things that bother him, and other thoughts.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
J M The Neolithic grunts from the audience to welcome this guy on stage set the scene for the rest of the show perfectly.The jokes are focused around the lowest common denominator. Comedy at it's absolute simplest, designed for people who are the absolute simplest. The guy basically points out the obvious with seemingly no intellect behind it.I admit it could be because I'm used to British humour which has a tendency to be quite intelligent humour (I'm talking recent comedy, not Benny hill.)Perhaps if my priorities in life were to get drunk, smoke and kill innocent defenceless animals I might enjoy it. In fact I fit 2 of those 3 criteria so probably not.
Terryfan Ron White: They Call Me Tater Salad shows Ron White at his best. This show will make you all though out the show. Ron White always smoke and drinks when he's on stage. Ron White: They Call Me Tater Salad is a must-see for any Ron White Fan and for people looking for a good laugh! Some of his jokes are dumb, but the other jokes are some of the best ever told. Personally, My favorite jokes are the one about Ron White getting throw out of a bar in New York City, The One about Sears, The one about having to paid a lot of money for a pair of sunglasses and the Big Screen TV, The Jokes about "Coupins" and more. This is a must-see for Comedy fans and for Ron White Fans. Ron White will make you laugh so hard that you'll start to cry because Ron White's so funny. So Enjoy, have fun and bring Your "Coupins"