Rockwell: A Legend of the Wild West
Rockwell: A Legend of the Wild West
PG-13 | 01 January 1994 (USA)
Rockwell: A Legend of the Wild West Trailers

The feature-film debut from writer/director Richard Lloyd Dewey, this Western stars Randy Gleave as Porter Rockwell, an outlaw looking to go straight. After landing on the right side of the law as a deputy, Rockwell assembles a team and takes on the dangerous task of bringing down a corrupt business owner. Rockwell also stars NBA superstar Karl Malone and George Sullivan.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
cybilanderson The little girls all going for Porter Rockwell was really funny - I cracked up at the scene where the third and final girl indicates she likes him, and he tells himself he must be the only man alive that happens to. He handles it really well, and the whole thing is really cute. I also like his loyalty to his woman, and the fact he can't settle down because his town needs him. I understood why she wanted to leave him because it was too painful to hold out hope they could settle down.His friends were cute and funny - I liked that they were so loyal to him - willing to follow him anywhere. It was fun to see all the fights and the "good guys" winning out in the end. The rattlesnakes were a bit unsettling, and I may have made it less graphic, but it was still well done.
guycromwell It's like an old time Western, and I like that about it. I liked the casting - the main girl is adorable and the sidekicks are really likable. The pace, while slow, lets you enjoy the scenery and the characters. I do like the dialogue - it is sparse and allows the action to tell the story pretty well. The relationship between all the main characters is drawn pretty well, and I like the contrast between all of them. The scenery is fantastic and for a western this does the job better than most. If it had a bigger budget and better actors in places, it would be more than I could hope for. But overall it seems pretty realistic and you really feel for the main characters and root for them. The gun fighting scenes are fun to watch, and the music of the entire movie is really well done. I wish more movies had the good guys winning, and I like that about this movie, even though the main character is not perfect himself. It shows what a person can do when everything seems to go against him and he picks himself up and continues on, especially if it is help others.
Frank Sterling A reviewer here (who actually gave this movie 10 stars) pointed out what he saw as two "mistakes" which I personally don't see as mistakes. a. Just my opinion, but he says, "Before Mary-Ann Neff is held at gun point she puts a large board across the door to lock it. Rockwell comes through the same door and the board is gone." I actually saw the board crashing away, in the shot when Rockwell crashed through her door. It looked pretty realistic to me. b. Also is the same reviewer's complaint that Rockwell "comes up with two body-bags in the wilderness." I think the average viewer can surmise pretty easily that he BROUGHT ALONG the body bags, and didn't find them in the wilderness. Why waste film footage showing Rockwell putting body bags into his saddlebag before hunting outlaws? I guess he could have, but it seems to me that would have been a waste of footage. I liked what I saw.
ratgut Didn't really like the movie, it seemed pretty anti-climactic. I wonder if any other viewers caught this: In the scene where Karl Malone was in the play, there was a song playing on the piano in the background. The song was "I Am Thinking of my Pickaninny Days" by Scott Joplin. Scott Joplin was not even born until about 1865, therefore, the song was probably not even written till at least 1885 or 1890. I just HAD to tell people that. SoyeahGoodbye.