Rockabilly Zombie Weekend
Rockabilly Zombie Weekend
| 19 May 2013 (USA)
Rockabilly Zombie Weekend Trailers

A young couple plans to have a rockabilly themed wedding out at the old farm, despite warnings of a West Nile Virus outbreak. Things go horribly wrong when the virus spawns zombie-creating mosquitoes, who begin to feed on the wedding guests.

Konterr Brilliant and touching
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
dayinthelifeofmycat I noticed something about the really bad reviews on this movie--they appear to all be written by the same person. I think the dead giveaway is the colorful quality of writing done by the saboteur. Perhaps there's some jealousy going on here, or maybe a disgruntled actor. Bottom line, this movie wasn't bad at all. In fact, parts of it were quite entertaining. Sure there were plenty of gross scenes, but that's what a horror flick is all about, right? This movie held my undivided attention for the full duration. I highly recommend watching--and don't miss the significance of the tarantala.
nrage40 For one, if your a true zombie movie fan like I am, this movie wasn't half as bad as some of these reviews are saying. Don't get me wrong, it's not that good of a zombie movie, the acting is bad, the special effects, makeup, plot, writing, comedy, etc. are pretty much cheesy and lame. As a zombie fan that watches just about every zombie movie that I can find, I have to say that just about 90% of them are complete crap and an utter waste of time. The one thing I do have to say is that Rockabilly Zombie Weekend although a cheap B comedy, also made a valiant effort to at least be somewhat of a decent zombie flick. Yes there are ridiculous things that happen but I really have to applaud this movie for trying to be half-way good which makes it better than so many garbage zombie movies that I/we have seen out there. Seriously, worst ever? Not a chance and if you think it is that bad than you haven't seen that many zombie flicks like any movie with talking zombies or ones that climb on walls or ceilings ( Yeah, I'm talking to you Day of the Dead remake 1&2! The original was awesome btw.) Anyway, I'd give this 5 stars for effort alone. Nice try!
drumviking I love movies of all genres, and watch several movies every month. So, I heard about the screening of Rockabilly Zombie Weekend and knowing it was directed, written and produced locally had me waiting in line on a Sunday afternoon to see the screening. I enjoyed the movie and it entertained me for 90 minutes, which is what a movie should do. It's a zombie movie people, and was created locally with a limited budget. I found it to be extremely well done, and it exceeded my expectations. I had a roommate that called himself a film maker, and when I watched his epic 3 hour piece of crap, I was turned off to the local, limited budget film scene. I walked into the theater expecting the same poor camera work and half assed acting, but was pleasantly surprised at how GREAT everything looked, sounded and felt the acting was fantastic. So, take it for what it is, a fun zombie movie with some scares and gore, and good way to be entertained for 90 minutes.
Mina Compton I hated Rockabilly Zombie Weekend. The fact that it's "just a zombie movie" doesn't excuse the fact that it is bad, so I don't want to hear that excuse. That suggests that zombie movies are just popcorn fare, and as a horror buff I know that's not true.The acting was subpar, the dialogue was comical, the special effects were laughable, and the camera work was something I'd expect out of a first-year film student. It amazes me that someone actually put money behind this project.Whether you're looking for something to sink your teeth into or light entertainment, Rockabilly Zombie Weekend will satisfy neither need. Don't waste your time.