Rock Jocks
Rock Jocks
| 01 September 2012 (USA)
Rock Jocks Trailers

Imagine asteroids so large that they can wipe out all life on the planet constantly bombarding the Earth. The only things standing in the way are the Rock Jocks, a top-secret band of government employees, who pilot asteroid-killing satellites. The story takes place during a Rock Jocks night shift. Though they are there to fight off asteroids, they spend most of the night fighting off boredom, themselves, and the occasional meddling government bureaucrat hell-bent on cutting their department’s budget.

Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
gavin6942 A group of dysfunctional government employees find themselves responsible for shooting down asteroids that are headed for earth.While I most enjoyed the exchanges between Jason Mewes and Robert Picardo, everyone here was funny. The first third was a bit slow, but once I warmed up to the jokes and excessive vulgarity, it was a real treat. The old man is especially funny.This may not be a film I ever watch again, but I enjoyed it just the same. In some ways, it reminded me of the profane humor of "Clerks" (another Mewes film), only this time with video game nerds rather than retail employees.
Hanover Employees for a secret organization that polices the skies for asteroids are threatened to be replaced by a computer unless they can justify the reason they are needed. Could have been a cute little movie if Just Chon wasn't so annoying. This is another case of where a single character makes the whole move a very unpleasant experience (unless you're like five years old or something). I almost turned it off half way through.The rest of the cast is pretty good. Its always nice to see Felicia Day. Jason Mewes seemed more like a "guest star" than anything else as his role is definitely a throw-away role and not even really needed. I think he was more or less added to have a somewhat big name on the cast.Some of the special effects are better than average as well.Unfortunately Justin Chon's "In-Your-Face" performance through 98% of the film makes the movie pretty much unwatchable. Did nobody on set realize he simply wasn't that funny?
wattleseed I had a chance to see this film in Denver last night. The film is laughs from beginning to end. Yes, there is quite a bit of profanity (it might not be a film for the little ones), but it works well with the plot/characters. I especially enjoyed the ensemble feel to the cast - every actor had their moment. After the film we had a Q&A with the Director, Paul Seetachitt. How often does one get a chance to do that?! It was interesting to hear some of the stories behind the making of the movie. I have already decided I need to see this again. Go see Rock Jocks! It Rocks!!!
dornaaron I drove to Houston last night to see the screening, and I'm going again in my hometown (Austin) tomorrow night! The movie is hilarious, and you should definitely give it a shot, as long as you don't mind profanity. Andrew Bowen was at last night's screening for a Q&A, and he said he thought the movie beat out South Park in the f-bomb total.Profanity aside, the movie features some solid performances by Bowen and Felicia Day, as well as the one and only Doug Jones in yet another great creature role. I was a little disappointed that Jason Mewes and Robert Picardo, who were featured in the trailer, didn't play a bigger part in the movie, but they got laughs every time they were on screen. I can't wait to see what first time writer/director Paul Seetachitt does in his next movie!