Robbie Williams: The Robbie Williams Show
Robbie Williams: The Robbie Williams Show
| 31 March 2003 (USA)
Robbie Williams: The Robbie Williams Show Trailers

The Robbie Williams Show is a live DVD by Robbie Williams, recorded in 2002 in Pinewood Studios before the release of the album Escapology

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
h_wilson92 I only was a Robbie Williams fan for a few weeks when I watched this DVD.I did like this DVD but I didn't love it.I did think it was a really decent concert.The things I loved about this DVD was that Robbie at the time of the DVD that was recorded is that he performed all of my favorite songs such as Come Undone,Angels,Feel, Rock DJ and others.Also he performed a variety of genres pop,rock and swing.It was very balanced.There were few people in the audience and they all really enjoyed it! they sang along to all the songs and I did too especially to Angels 10/10
johnny-08 I'm a huge fan of Robbie Williams and I was surprised when I saw that no one decided to comment on this one. So I decided to make things right."Robbie Williams Show" is made in 2003. and when I first watched it I was surprised. I was fan already then and I think that lots of people became one after watching this show.Robbie came into Pinewood, England and there he made this show for very little number of people. Pinewood is actually a studio so this isn't type of place for big concert that Robbie is usually doing (like Knebworth, Slane Castle, MEN Arena, Albert Hall...). Robbie decided to introduce his new album "Escapology" in this little town. He performed some old things from his earlier albums and old swing songs from his album "Swing When You're Winning" mixed with new material from "Escapology". I was surprised when I heard this songs. They where all great and they are still Robbie's hits (like "Feel", "Come Undone", "Sexed Up", "Hot Fudge", "Love Somebody"...). The whole "Escapology" album is still my favorite Robbie Williams album.On that concert you can really sense Robbie's dedication to his fans. He sang lots of songs and he did that very good, especially "Come Undone". He likes to joke and he talks to crowd with no problem. Like he connects to them. There are so much funny moments and jokes from Robbie. Maybe his words describe his concerts on the best way: "They should expect that every night I turn up and get on stage. They should know I'm doing my best. I want them to know that it's not as easy as I make it look. Yeah, it's scary-thanks for coming...". These are the words from a born entertainer but one sentence really amazed me about Robbie: "I'm not here to be entertained tonight, they are. The most important thing to me is that they're going to go home really happy and inspired. That's what my job is." I've never been to Robbie's concert but I'm planning to go. Until that day I will enjoy in watching his concerts on TV. I invite you to do that too. I'm sure you'll like it.