the leading man is my tpye
Some things I liked some I did not.
Myron Clemons
A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Roaming Through Michigan (1950) ** 1/2 (out of 4)Nice entry in the TravelTalks series takes us to Michigan where we start off looking at Glen Lake, which is best known for its changing water colors. From here we visit a cherry farm where over 25-million pounds are picked each year. In Harrison, MI we're introduced to Spikehorn Meyer, the infamous bear man who lives among them. We also get to see the historic Grand Hotel as well as Castle Rock. ROAMING THROUGH MICHIGAN benefits from the terrific Technicolor, which certainly shows off all of the images that we get to see. This is especially true with the terrific blue waters as well as the stuff dealing with Meyer. I wasn't able to find too much about Meyer but he certainly seemed like a character just from the minute or so with him here. As usual, James A. FitzPatrick does a very good job with the narration.
I love animals. That's why I liked the first half of this movie. The second half of this so called 'documentary', is about boats and waterfalls. Believe me: it really isn't as good as it sounds. Who wants to see a waterfall and a boat anyway?! Well, perhaps if you collect boats, you'd like it, but I guess 'Steamboal Bill Jr.' with Buster Keaton would be you thing more than this stupid 'Roaming through Michigan'. And if you like waterfalls, you could like this documentary, but than you haven't seen 'Footlight Parade' from Busby Berkeley or 'The River Wild' with Meryl Streep. Anyway, I want to make this clear: the only good thing Michigan ever made was Michael Moore, I think. This documentary is not good, believe me.