Road to Victory
Road to Victory
| 01 January 2007 (USA)
Road to Victory Trailers

A star athlete on the verge of turning pro must decide which dream to pursue while he battles his own body.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
filming-3 Sometimes movies capture something that is so real, it's uncomfortable to watch. Watching the relationship between the two main characters, Anna and Elliot, made me feel this way. It was really hard to watch two people be both so simultaneously loving and mean to each other. It reminded my of my parents, and made me think about what they must have been like when they were young.But underneath this all, the main character is driven by a need so strong, that he cannot even admit the truth to himself. Given the portions of the interview I have heard with Roger Clemens on 60 minutes that will show this Sunday, I wonder how many athletes who use steroids can even admit the truth to themselves. They are so used to lying that they can't even admit it when they get caught. I really saw a strong correlation between this and Elliot's character, but the part we get to see in the movie, is the character living with the ramifications of these choices. It's an inside look at something we would never otherwise get because all we'd ever see of these athletes after they lie to the public is them smiling at a photo-shoot. In this film, we get to see what happens not only after the fact, but also what happens to what must be thousands of athletes who don't make it. And this raises the big question of whether or not it is really worth a pro career to use steroids?
jeremydaly-1 Finally a movie that looks at the true driving force that propels us on our crooked paths. The real life problems and realizations made by the lead character seem so obvious to us as we struggle with why he can not see the wall coming, that is until we reflect on the decisions and actions in our own pasts. How many walls and how much ignored advice along the way. This road is a road we have all taken, with the same mistakes made and with the same results. The story is honest to the core, it evolves with the character; as his view of what is of importance changes the story also changes to encompass these new ideas, in a tragic but true portrayal. The use of football as the backdrop for this allegory adds to the importance of the characters future but takes nothing from the imagery of the whole. A sound concept to appeal to a larger audience that works to move the emotions and struggles of life at a frenetic pace. I think we have a winner here!
Cinematic-Romantic I love chick flicks, and I don't apologize. So, I thought this would be a great way to break in my new boyfriend at the Sac Film and Music festival. However, this time, I didn't have to listen to him complain about the fact that I'd made him sit through a "chick flick." Instead, the contents of the movie lead to a rather honest discussion about our past relationships. In particular, some of the things that we'd said to someone we cared about that we wished we hadn't, and some of the things that had been said to us that we wish someone else hadn't.I think what this movie really captured was the level of honesty so many "real-life" couples claim that they want. But the movie really did a good job of showing how damaging it can actually be to someone you care about if you just speak your mind, because the fact is that no-one is perfect, and if you decide to hammer on someone for their flaws, it's only a matter of time before they throw yours right back in your face.This movie was different, in that the couple was drawn together by pain, and not some stupid Hollywood cute moment or childhood dream of Mr. or Ms. Perfect. It was something I could relate to, and it made me empathize with these messed up characters in messed up circumstances much more than the most of the chick flicks I usually love so much. I constantly wanted to believe that if i was in these characters circumstances that I would do a better job of handling it, but when my boyfriend and I started talking about the film afterward, we both started defending the other character's actions, him the male lead, and me the female lead, and I really had to wonder if I really would have reacted differently than these characters.I dunno...I enjoyed this movie, but even more so, it really made me think. It's one of the few chick flicks that's for both girls and guys.
user-20162 I saw this film at the San Fernando Valley Film Festival based upon a rec from one of the festival programmers, and I have to admit, that I was a little hesitant given the subject matter of the movie.I promised myself that I would give the film 10 minutes, and if I didn't like it, I would walk (hey, it was a free screening).From the outset, I found myself intrigued by the tone of the film. It was immediately clear that the film, at the very least, had integrity.As the film progressed, i kept finding myself more and more sucked in, until by the end of the movie, I was really emotionally involved. So much so, that I found myself thinking about the film even a few days later.I don't really want to say anything about what the film is about because that was one of the things that I enjoyed the most about my viewing experience; that I didn't know what it was really about, and given the film's originality, it made my viewing experience that much better.Having given the film so much thought, I would be really interested to see it again, as I think that it might be an even richer experience on a second viewing.If you like intelligent, well-written movies with compelling performances, then I highly recommend giving Road To Victory a try.