Right America:  Feeling Wronged
Right America: Feeling Wronged
| 15 February 2009 (USA)
Right America: Feeling Wronged Trailers

HBO documentary about interviews with conservatives in America regarding their opinion about Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign and election.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
ademmler Slanted - no doubt. And I will try to watch the other views - I believe Sarah Palin involved in a documentary about the liberal media and I will watch that also. BUT, this kind of movie-making needs to be a part of our discussions.These people are REAL and their views may be right-on - who knows? I for one disagree with them, but I need to understand them. I have lived with people like this and worked with people like this. I feel sad that their views can be short-sighted. BUT, everyone needs to watch this and make their own decisions.Maybe this movie just speaks to one of the issues Obama was running on??? - EDUCATION. Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it! I guess I should try to watch Fox news now?! - ouch , hurts the brain.
turbowag-1 Can we have a Muslim President? Can we have a President with no religious system? Is it okay to let a black person lead our nation? Maybe we need to ask ourselves if the person we need is a great self - promoter, or are we looking for a good, honest administrator?This film shows that most people want to be dazzled by a playboy hot dogging fighter-crasher(Google the Forrestall.) Enough, fortunately, just want to elect someone who wants to restore dignity to our people. I hope we can allow that to happen, in spite of ourselves. Pelosi, Liberal, Leftist, Socialist. These are NOT derogatory terms, they don't hurt the people they apply to, they just scare the ignorant.
gotmojo68 First off, this was made by Nancy Peolsi's daughter, so much for a fair project. I'm not saying these people are not a part of America, unfortunately they are, but to say they represent everyone that didn't vote for Obama is false. This would be like Newt Gingrich going to Berkeley or San Francisco and filming flag burners and troop protesters and saying that this is the average Obama supporter. I live in New Orleans, part of fly over country, and I know no one like the people in this film. If someone voted against Obama because he is black, their wrong. If people voted for Obama because he's black, their wrong too. I'm white and voted for Ron Paul. My girlfriend's black and voted for Obama. I know people who voted for Obama just cause it was the "it" thing to do. And that to is wrong. If this country is going to come together both the far right and the far left need to go far away.
americanborn To say that "The producer has chosen to edit this documentary by highlighting the most ignorant people she could find out there" is typical of the kind of criticism you might expect of a film that you don't like, but the reality is, this film hit the head on the nail. It provides a pretty accurate depiction of the attitudes that are commonplace once you venture beyond the west and east coast in the United States. I have lived throughout the United States, raised in a bastion of conservatism (Arizona), and even lived in the pinnacle of liberalism (San Francisco) for a time. I have also lived in Pennsylvania, Florida, Oregon, New Mexico, Utah and elsewhere in this country not to mention outside of this country. I have seen and experienced firsthand what we see in this film more than I care to and I was happy to see that I was not the only one who felt that a mirror needed to be held up. There are deep divisions in America today, and while some critics might want to just dust off a piece of work like this and say this is an extreme sample and therefore not representative of a large part of the American population has not spent too much time in middle America. It pains me to no end to know that this documentary is not just a biased piece from the "liberal media elite" but rather a scary picture of where this country has found itself. If you, like the editor's of the Daily Mirror once wrote ever thought... "How can 59,054,087 people be so dumb?" This film will at least provide a bit of reassurance that you are not alone in asking the question. If on the other hand you think that the biggest problem facing the United States is the end of days that the media liberal elite is working in cahoots with the Liberal establishment to bring about, then you will be reassured that you are not alone as well. Either way, don't blame the messenger.Yes, we are divided.