R | 10 September 2008 (USA)
Rigged Trailers

In the seedy underground of illegal prizefighting, a corrupt boxing promoter is embroiled in a dangerous fight-fixing scheme with his female prizefighter.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Jai Houghton MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. Rebecca Neuenswander, one to watch in future kick-ass movies. Would love to see a follow up co-starring Rebecca & Michelle Rodriguez. Underworld female Rocky with BALLS is the best way to describe this film. The fight scenes throughout were watchable without an over use of blood and bone crunching sound effects. Final fight realistic enough to make me watch again. Only bad thing is they could have delved further into Kat's past history. It is about time they made a film to rival all these macho men action stars with a great female lead and Rebecca is certainly that actress. I gave it 8/10 but it is closer to 9/10. Don't take my word, don't care just WATCH IT.
Rich Wright Well, it was better than I thought it was going to be...A seedy promoter tries to profiteer off a female boxer. This is a bit like the reverse Million Dollar Baby... Instead of Hilary Swank being encouraged by Clint Eastwood to be the best she could be and win the World Title, here we see Rebecca Neuenswander (I ain't typing THAT again) and Chad Ortis are only in it for the money, by participating in illegal fights. MDB was also realistic in that it only pitted Swank against female opponents she had a chance of beating. Here, the female pugilist regularly downs men that must be three times her size without that much effort. True, she does receive a few bumps and bruises, but check out how quickly they heal. Talk about scrubbing up well.And of course, there are corrupt managers who would try anything to make more dough, including bribery, threats and physical violence. You also don't need a crystal ball to anticipate what'll happen to our two leads and that their initial plans near the end are all just one big red herring. In fact, the entire story could be taught in Screen writing Classes 101 about how to put together a serviceable plot with no surprises or twists, lest unimaginative members of the audience have a heart attack. Does this make it a bad film? No... it passes the time, and Rebecca N can genuinely be described as a 'discovery'. Just don't expect anything more than 'mediocre'. 5/10
lastliberal Going in, you have to realize that this is a Freshman effort.The is the only full length film for director, producer, and editor Jonathan Dillon.It is the first film for writer Ian Shorr, and it is the only film for the star Rebecca Neuenswander (a fighter in real life).Chad Ortis, who plays the con man who finds Katherine (Neuenswander), has only an episode of The Bold and the Beautiful under his belt.A bunch of inexperienced actors in a low budget film doesn't always spell disaster. Despite the fact that the movie is filled with clichés, it keeps your interest, even though you know you will guess the ending.
Max_Meanie Whoever is posting these positive reviews must be involved with the production. I couldn't take more than 34 minutes of this mediocre underground fight film. The premise seemed interesting on the box & I could suspend my disbelief of a small female fighter winning against bigger guys due to the rules they set up in the film. But boring actors, sub-par TV-style docu directing and truly awful dialog made me stop the film. I'll give any indie film a chance without a budget because you have to put thought into the script and talent behind the camera. They have to be smart but FIGHT NIGHT is regurgitated hack material.The moment that made me turn it off was when they were escaping from Speedy who is trying to shoot them. He's standing 5 feet away from the car and he shoots the hood. NOT THE WINDSHIELD, THE HOOD. Something small yes but indicative of the film as a whole - no thinking at all. Christ! And that was the directing. The scriptwriting is worse! I agree that the only good think about it is the actress but the film didn't interest me to stick around longer than 34 minutes.I implore anyone interested in this type of film to see the incredible "HARD TIMES" with Charles Bronson as the underground fighter and James Coburn as the sleazy promoter. Set in depression era New Orleans, it's a lot of fun. The scene with Speedy is almost stolen directly from that film except Bronson takes the gun away from them.