Ricky Gervais Live 3: Fame
Ricky Gervais Live 3: Fame
| 12 November 2007 (USA)
Ricky Gervais Live 3: Fame Trailers

The third of Ricky Gervais' themed live stand-up shows.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
The Couchpotatoes After his previous shows 'Animals' and 'Politics' Ricky Gervais comes up with his third show 'Fame'. I've seen all three of them and to me Animals was the best followed by Fame and then Politics. But I liked all three of them, it's just my kind of humor. There are alot of good stand-up-comedians and I count Ricky Gervais in that list. Not only has he a good sense of sarcastic humor but he also has a great and unique way to bring it. Most of the time he's just playing two different characters having a conversation that leads to a joke, and he does that with his specific I-couldn't-care-less-face, whilst mumbling and mimicking at the perfect moment. Alot of his jokes are offensive, so you have to like that kind of humor, which I do, otherwise you won't have a great night watching his shows. I think you can laugh about anything because life is too short to take everything so serious, and Ricky gets that like no-one else.
bob the moo I should probably just come right out and say that, when it comes to stand-up, I'm not totally sold on Ricky Gervais. There, you know now so why not just vote "useless" on my review and move on to only reading things that you agree with. For those still reading, I do find him funny enough to be worth coming back for more, but just that he works best when his un-PC and socially-awkward humour is set in context of real life reactions as he does so well in The Office and Extras. With an audience it doesn't quite work as well for me.Regardless though I came back to watch Fame and found what I had in the past – a decent and funny show but it never had me rolling on the floor begging for him to stop. What it did do was consistently amuse me though with the subjects he covered and the way he wore his personae so convincingly. He is of course quite smug but he does combine that well with a streak of self-depreciation that takes the edge off it just about enough not to grate too badly. The material covers AIDS, charity work, fame, unworthy diseases and other stuff that allows him to be irritated and mostly it is pretty funny and creatively done.It is a matter of taste though and for me it was just "good" but then I felt the same way after Politics and Animals and I did prefer Fame to those, so this is probably going to give the fans everything they are looking for.
davideo-2 STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning As a performer, Ricky Gervais is a bit of an anomaly. Unbearably smug yet relentlessly self-depreciating, his act is a style of it's own and one which has carved his way to international super-stardom. He's starring in big films across the pond now, such as Stardust and Night at the Museum and from his demeanor on TV, success does seem to have gone to his head a bit. Yet his success will guarantee him an audience with shows such as Fame. But that's surely what his fans will be expecting, relentless humorous stabs at celeb related stories in the headlines and on the instantness of it nowadays? But like his previous Politics, Ricky unfortunately wonders off the subject a bit too much, letting his act wonder off into totally unrelated material which, though quite funny, wastes the potential of what could have been. It'll pass, especially for fans, but the big man might want to learn a bit about discipline if he doesn't want to risk alienating any lovers. ***
mcfcrdfc208 Animals was fantastic,politics was brilliant, but fame beats them my a mile,i love and adore Ricky gervais and everything he does but admit he is on of the biggest headed man on TV,so when i heard at this was called fame i thought it would be him talking about how famous and great he was.But i wasn't it was a funny look at fame and being famous not just all about him,and most of it wasn't really about being famous,but the bits what was where so funny.But for me the highlight of this show was his little pops at dawn french had me crying and spiting but drinking out with laughter.other parts off the show was Ricky talking about Charity gigs at the start off the show,and at the end telling a story about Sharon Osbourne on the x factor which i was in tears over.love him or hate him you MUST see this so really only one word sums this up......genius