Richard The Lionheart
Richard The Lionheart
R | 21 January 2014 (USA)
Richard The Lionheart Trailers

King Henry II tests the loyalty and honor of his son Richard sending him to a secret castle known as the Knight's Martyr. There, the Prince must fight against adversaries representing the virtues of a knight.

Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
wamwatcher If the Italian review has any validity, Malcolm McDowell got most of the money spent on this thing. And if he read the script beforehand, he could ONLY be doing it for the money....The Introductory Sequence made absolutely no sense & everything went downhill from there. I think monkeys wrote the script & a couple humans put their name on it. The last scene has some basis in History but nothing that came before it does.Loved the Druidess, although I think she had about 90 seconds of total screen time.I have a serious soft spot for bad movies, but this was just painful.
TheLittleSongbird If there is only one small redeeming quality about Richard: The Lionheart, it's that they did get Henry II's sons' names right, the only bit of history in the movie that's accurate. Other than that, the low-budget shows in some of the cheapest and most vague costumes and sets there's been for any low-budget movie, the modified night-gowns comparison for the costumes is pretty apt and from the way the movie looks it is not clear what the setting is. The special effects never rise above crude standard and the sound constantly sounds as if it was recorded in an over-reverberant bathroom, which is really jarring. The music is the opposite of rousing, instead it's monotonous and sounds like a very, very pale imitation of Hans Zimmer in places. The dialogue sounds stilted and underwritten(especially in the very clunkily-written romance scenes), with a lot of the line delivery being very awkward, plus it has a weird mix of archaic and contemporary so you never feel as though you've been transported to the era of the Plantagenets. Richard: The Lionheart is flatly directed throughout that has the word inexperience all over it, and has uniformly bad performances from a largely unknown cast, most of them under-acting to the point of not looking as if they want to be there. Even worse is that the movie also wastes Malcolm McDowell who on paper seemed perfect and would elevate, but his performance is a mix of over-compensating and sleepwalking through and not helped by being hampered by having little to work with. The story is the biggest failing, it is often very difficult to follow, some scenes drag on for far too long and uses plot devices so overused already that it becomes very predictable as well. The action sequences are incredibly lazy, both in pace(like being in slow-motion) and choreography, school playground fights are honestly far more believable. In conclusion, just horrible in all areas, apart from that one historical accuracy, and unforgivably wastes McDowell. 1/10 Bethany Cox
petarmatic There is nothing which can describe how bad this film is. If you are a student of film making you should watch this film and learn from it how not to make a film, which could hurt you in the future. If you make a film like this you might never have an opportunity to make a film again.Plot: What is it? I carefully watched it and could not figure it out. Since I read the other reviews I still was not sure what the plot is. So, nonexistent plot. I do not get to see many of those.Acting was that bad that future actors should carefully examine these non acting and try to do it differently. They might be successful actors if the do not act as these people. What is wrong with them? Is that some psychiatric ward trying to do something with its patients? This is a must see! Not!
jtong1535 I have never been a part of a review site my entire life (yelp,rotten tomatoes, etc...) because I am lazy guy that does not want to spend the 5 minutes to sign up. I am the guy who doesn't contribute but checks the sites and values the other viewers who are nice enough to spend the time. I thank you all. *** HOWEVER, this is a special situation***I felt that if I did not spend the time to log in and say how ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE this movie was that I would be doing humanity an INJUSTICE.Giving this movie a 1 is 5 to many stars, it deserves a negative 4 stars. No human should have to sit through such filth and waste their lives. My dog seemed to be entertained at the slow moving guards that have no freaking idea how to swing a sword. There is no sense to the plot, the acting is GARBAGE. The worst part was the ending. You spend 2 hours waiting for a Braveheart type battle only to have been shafted. It likes going to dinner with an unattractive person because you are sure that they will put out. You waste 2 hours of your life with that person and expect great things only to get a kiss on the cheek at the end of the night and a cold shower. The only thing worse than the movie was the guy who gave this movie 4 stars. His review made less sense to me than the movie.***MY RATING NEGATIVE 4 STARS*** ***THE WORST MOVIE OF MY LIFE*** GARBAGE.