Revenge of the Zombies
Revenge of the Zombies
NR | 17 September 1943 (USA)
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When Dr. Von Altermann's wife Lila dies mysteriously at his spooky mansion, her relations suspect murder. They little suspect he's turning her into a zombie, to join the army of living dead he hopes to devote to the Nazi cause. Lila, though dead, has developed a will of her own. Meanwhile, Lila's brother Scott and his friends are increasingly alarmed by the eerie events.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Cristi_Ciopron Actually a very funny and pleasant movie, with a Dixie setting where the quick and the living dead seem to coexist even by daylight, also with at least a couple of subplots (a puzzle: the zombie wife's will, and of course the cause of her death; and an espionage subplot also, announced by the march of the zombies at the beginning), immensely helped by a good director, Sekely, and three exciting performances, from people who had all the requisites of movie stars: Carradine (who plays a scientist, a physician, not insane but evil), Moreland and Veda Ann Borg (who gave a bit of dignity even to an ingrate role), but the main plot being a zombie tale, done as comedy and also as SF, our chance to visit a not too dazzling but nonetheless intriguing laboratory; in fact I liked it even better than 'Lady in the Death House', and here the storyline seems fast without being rush (though in the later movie that wasn't an error, since the very nature of the subject, the race against a deadline, imposed it, requested it). But Sekely was one of the masters of the genre; here, filming for Monogram. The sense of humor is genuine, and the style, light, in another unpretentious movie. There are a lot of things I enjoy here.The visitors don't seem to realize that some of the servants, in fact Lazarus, are living dead. The lovable black chauffeur gets to see other zombies at work, digging dispassionately, as becoming, in the 1st half of the movie. But the script was good, with most of the dialog being appropriate and well written. So, comedy, zombies, mystery, espionage, SF; and just to make a point: 'Revenge …' isn't a zombie drama with humorous relief, but a comedy, it is a comedy that happens to be about zombies, which is another thing altogether. Now in other words: these aren't zombies from a horror movie, but zombies from a SF (and one overtly political, proceeding with the march of the zombies and following with the espionage subplot). The will's mystery is, anyway, dropped; the mean used to murder the wife is explained, perhaps also the need to do it (as the scientist was getting ready for his getaway), but we can only presume that the widower's pretense of not knowing the dispositions in the will was indeed to gull or disorient his guests.Thank you for reading, if you did.
Uriah43 After hearing about the sudden death of his sister, a man by the name of "Scott Warrington" (Mauritz Hugo) and two friends named "Larry Adams" (Robert Lowery) and "Jeff" (Mantan Moreland) head out to the Louisiana swamps to find out what happened. But first they meet a doctor by the name of "Harvey Keating" (Barry Macollum) who tells them that after examining the body of "Lila von Alterman" (Veda Ann Borg) he is convinced that she did not die of a heart attack like he was originally told by her husband "Dr. Max Heinrich von Alterman" (John Carradine). Dr. Keating suspects she was poisoned. When they get to the house of Dr. von Alterman they find the body of Lila and discover that she is quite dead. Not long afterward her body disappears and they further discover that there are things going on that are extremely unusual and these discoveries could pose a grave threat to the United States. Anyway, rather than detail the rest of the story and possibly spoil the film for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was a likable film for the most part. One thing I should mention though is that it bears a striking resemblance to a movie made two years earlier called "King of the Zombies". Unlike that movie though this one was made during World War II and features--Nazi swamp zombies! Also included are two attractive actresses named Gale Storm (as "Jennifer Rand") and the aforementioned Veda Ann Borg. Add in some creepiness along with some humor for good measure and this movie manages to entertain fairly well for a B-movie of this type. I rate it as average.
zeppo-2 One of low budget horror schlockmeister actor, John Carradine's more animated roles as a implied Nazi scientist, who is turning humans into zombies to serve the Reich. Mindless scuffling brain dead, only able to obey the most simple of orders....bit like staff in McDonalds.Hitler isn't mentioned by name, since America wasn't at war at the time they was filmed, but it's pretty obvious who the bad guys are working for!There seems to be two types of zombies in film, the traditional voodoo type popular in the old black & white films of the 1930's and '40's. Blank eyed and just following the commands of someone else as they stumble along. And then there is the type we know from later films like 'The Night of the Living Dead' and 'The Evil Dead.' Still roaming about but with only the intention to kill and eat the flesh and brains of their victims. Both have their moments in various movies over the years. 'Revenge' features the former zombie type, although, these are particularly goofy looking and would look more at home in an old time freak shows as geeks as they bite the heads off chickens. One black zombie named Lazarus with his wild hair, looks like a young Don King.As to the plot, the evil doctor decides to make his wife a zombie along with the others and that's where he makes his mistake. Even though he lets her keep her strappy heels as a nice womanly touch as he turns her into one of the living dead, she's not happy about it.It all goes horribly wrong and ends in tears, and the moral of the tale must be, never, ever, turn your wife into a zombie, it's just asking for trouble....The film is interesting enough and it quickly rolls along to a finish, but never rises above it's poverty row origins. Not a patch on any true zombie classics but fun just the same.
howdymax This movie is another example of the genius of Poverty Row studios, like Monogram, Republic, Mascot, etc. Who can argue with the kind of comedic mystery represented by Charlie Chan, The Purple Monster, The Tiger Woman, Radio Ranch, Rocket Man, and zombie movies like this.The plot has to do with a mad scientist who wants to create an army of zombie Storm Troopers to help the Nazi's conquer America. (Be sure to look for an early scene where the zombies are assembled and goose step in formation). I don't think we need to go any farther into the story. It is only important to realize that this is Saturday Matinee entertainment in it's purest form.It is one of the only forums where one can see the sinister elegance of a John Carradine, as well as the comic genius of a Mantan Moreland, all the while enjoying a virtual parade of second string pre-prime, and post-prime players. In this case we find Gale Storm (pre My Little Margie), and Bob Steele (post cowboy). A mute Veda Ann Borg, as the zombie wife, reminds us that her voice was as important as her acting. Speaking of Mantan Moreland; it is really too bad that PC guilt won't allow for the recognition he deserves.I urge anyone who is interested in a little Saturday entertainment to catch this little gem if you can. You won't be disappointed. If you like it, and I know you will, you might want to check out another called "The Whip Hand".
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