Rest in Pieces
Rest in Pieces
| 10 August 1987 (USA)
Rest in Pieces Trailers

A newlywed couple move into the mansion of the bride's recently dead aunt. Soon strange things begin to happen when the various tenants and servants of the mansion don't want to leave and the bride and groom are in a deadly predicament.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
whpratt1 Enjoyed this horrible horror film mainly because I just wanted to find out what it was all about and since I have been a big fan of Dorothy Malone for many years and enjoyed her performance in the great film, "Inherit the Wind". Dorothy Malone was 62 years of age in this film and showed her age, however, she knew what she looked like and was a true actress and was eager to perform on the silver screen. This story involves a young newlywed couple and the bride inherits her aunt's mansion and all its belongings along with some 8 million dollars hidden the house. The girls aunt, Dorothy Malone committed suicide and had many ghosts hanging around the old mansion and there is plenty of horror with living dead and bodies being chopped up like chop meat. This will make a great Holloween Night Film for a spooky party after Mid-Night. Enjoy.
gridoon Young couple inherits a luxurious mansion and a large sum of money from the woman's crazy aunt (who conveniently commits suicide in front of a camera after reading her will), but when they go there to settle down all sorts of weird things start happening, and the woman starts "seeing" her dead (?) aunt everywhere in the house. For a while it looks like we're gonna get the old haunted-house clichés again (lights that turn on and off by themselves, car engines that start by themselves, doors banging, piano music playing when there's nobody at the piano, etc.), but the movie soon goes into another direction altogether, involving the aunt's strange neighbors....The first half of "Rest in Pieces" is kind of sleep-inducing, but the pace picks up in the second half, with some lively gore sequences and good plot twists. Both halves, however, suffer from a muddled script (I still haven't figured out if we're dealing with zombies or ghosts here). The two leads are pretty bad, but most of the villains are appropriately sinister (especially that constantly smiling reverend). (**)
Kastore And oh, what a waste of time. Weak plot, unscary 'scary' moments, and very little in the way of gore. The collection of characters was the main thing "Rest in Pieces" had going for it: the blind man, the preacher, the doctor, the slutty maid, and so on. But what exactly was going on here? Are these people the thinking, talking, otherwise normal version of the living dead, similar to the much better (and earlier) film "Dead & Buried"? Why do they slaughter the string quartet? Is the doctor a mad scientist who has brought these people back from the dead, just like the old coroner from "Dead & Buried"? Were we supposed to be frightened or laugh at the repeated appearances of the aunt's ghost? Do the resurrected need hypnotism to 'get adjusted' to their new form of existence, just like they do in "Dead & Buried"? I think I'm starting to see a pattern here. ..There are more stupid parts – the preacher with his switchblade and the cars in the garage come to mind. In general this movie was just bad. Now that I think about it, the only reason I wanted to see it was the description on the box made it sound a lot like "Dead Alive" (neighbors...undead...kill, kill, kill). I'm sorry I suckered myself into renting this based on that. Don't bother with this one. Watch instead that other horror movie made a few years before this one that was also about people being brought back from the dead to lead almost-normal lives - oh, what was that one called. . .
scrotumscraggle69 Rest In Pieces was actually a fairly good film. The film itself adds much late night cheer considering the fact that it was so low budget. The film starts off to be a little slow moving but it eventually picks up and turns out to be quite enjoyable. The movie does get a few good laughs, however, the violence and nudity keeps the audience alert and interested.The film itself is basically about a young woman and her greedy husband inheriting her deranged aunt's estate. The neighbors treat the newcomers rather unorthodox. You come to find out that the neighbors are actually dead and they just want to convince the main character to commit suicide under the rule of her "dead" aunt. The end of the movie is quite disappointing because no explanation is given. I am not trying to spoil the movie for you but I am warning you. This movie is not for anyone who doesn't enjoy low budget films. In my opinion this movie was very entertaining and you should rent it yourself. Thanks for listening!