Respectable: The Mary Millington Story
Respectable: The Mary Millington Story
| 07 April 2016 (USA)
Respectable: The Mary Millington Story Trailers

Documentary chronicling the extraordinary life and tragic death of Mary Millington - Britain's most famous pornographic actress of the 1970s.

Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
lindaring1973 I have to say I only started researching Mary Millington upon hearing about this documentary/film and I have to say I am so glad Simon Sheridan paid tribute to Mary in this wonderful entertaining way. It is well worth a watch as I think it shows many aspects of Mary's life. I found it interesting to go on the journey from her young days into adulthood and also coming through was her open mindedness and caring side and I also found the interviews very interesting from family members to people in the Adult Industry I also think Simon Sheridan touched on Marys later life in a sensitive way regarding her mental health. I think it was a tragic end for Mary. I think the documentary/film was a fitting tribute to a much loved woman. Thank you.
gavin6942 Documentary chronicling the extraordinary life and tragic death of Mary Millington - Britain's most famous pornographic actress of the 1970s.I wouldn't say I'm incredibly knowledgeable about the history of pornography. But I've seen enough documentaries and read enough stories that I thought I had a fair handle on it. But, it turns out, the world of American pornography is apparently completely different from British (or perhaps European) pornography. Because I have never even heard of Mary Millington.This documentary is quite a good one, because it not just follows Mary's life, but follows the industry, which is really the more interesting story. It's a story of morality, censorship, and more. This is even more fascinating today (2016) in the era of the internet.
ray (witchfinder68) This is a wonderfully moving warts and all documentary that shows the extreme ups and downs of the UK'S only real iconic porn star,the love and respect Simon Sheridan has for Mary shines through as much as that of her friends and family.Dexter Fletcher's narration is perfect and most of the major people in Mary's life have been interviewed,including David Sullivan, Francoise Pascal and the late Stanley A. Long.This is a must see for any one with an interest in British cinema or just an interest in a larger than life bundle of contradictions who fought against the strict censorship laws of the time..... She really did want to stick it to the man...
katewexford Having been born in 1993, I was unfamiliar with the life, and tragic demise, of Seventies' porn starlet Mary Millington. Simon Sheridan's engrossing documentary remind everybody of my generation how porn was not as ubiquitous as it is today. 40 years ago hardcore material was illegal in Great Britain and those who made it, distributed it or starred in it were crucified in the press and persecuted by the authorities.One lone figure who stood up to campaign for the legalisation of porn was Mary Millington, a tiny blonde from Surrey who pretty much single-handedly took on the British Establishment. Such was her immense popularity that she starred in the biggest selling 8mm porn movie Europe has ever known ('Miss Bohrlock') as well as appearing in 'Come Play with Me', the longest-running British film ever. But alongside fame came unhappiness and she died aged just 33, apparently with nobody left to help her beat her addiction to drugs, or her battle with depression.Whilst 'Respectable: The Mary Millington Story' is not always a happy tale, there is much to enjoy, and digest, - there are carefully- judged moments of joy and laughter (actor Dudley Sutton is especially funny) mixed with heartbreaking and poignant tales told by several ex- lovers and friends. I found it utterly enthralling from beginning to end, and I couldn't stop thinking about it even days later. How did Mary really die? Who was ultimately responsible? And why was she considered such a thorn in the side of the Metropolitan Police?What could've been a tawdry documentary is actually a beautifully- paced history lesson on British post-war attitudes towards sex. I absolutely loved it and as a teacher myself I think teenagers today would be shocked to know how the human rights we take-for-granted now were once a battlefield.
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