| 20 March 2015 (USA)
Residue Trailers

The government cover-up of the causes behind a massive explosion in a futuristic UK metropolis spur photo journalist Jennifer Preston on to search for the truth and in the process blow open a paranormal phenomenon haunting the city.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
James Groover 5 minutes, shut it off, WOW Beyond horrible! Continuity, thanks we don't need it, oh that missing chair? Don't need it! The bloody coat? Nahh no bodies on the dissection table, no table in a motel room. God I hate seeing people who don't know what to write. This movie was wasted in the first 3 minutes, That covered the action scene and car chase, alien attack that took place rather than the opening credits.
joppatowne Definitely a series worth watching. Truly hope Netflix picks it up for a series. It is a series that keeps you guessing. The suspense was not overdone and despite the supernatural theme, it was a plausible plot. I enjoyed the actors and the scenery was spot on. I am a recent subscriber to Netflix pushed by my husband for Daredevil (another good show). So I decided to see what else Netflix had to offer. I was pleasantly surprised by this entry. I thought it would just be something to pass a stormy day, but it absolutely held my attention. I immediately went to the web to see when the next episode would air. I wasn't yet able to figure out when, but I will keep checking.
bbriddell There were a couple of moments when I thought; hey now the story is starting. Brief sparks, then there was stuff that went on. It's like the writer had a paragraph for this film and then bloated the rest out with fluff.The acting was fine, seemed like there was money put into this. Filming , scenes, locations.The one thing missing was an actual connecting point for the audience that would have resembled a story worth watching. I watched in 20 minute increments as nothing was going on in a story sense and I figured at some point it might pick up. After one hour and 26 minutes I jumped forward eight minutes to watch the ending.If this is the "pilot", then obviously alienating the audience isn't a good way to have future viewers.
Theo Robertson When you've been watching a lot of prestigious award winners and Hollywood commercial blockbusters as I have then you need to change the record slightly and throw yourself in to a guilty pleasure . RESIDUE sounds like the film I might be looking for . A sort of conspiracy thriller come horror movie . In some ways it sounds like a British version of THE CRAZIES . I'll say one thing for it - it's definitely guilty . I'll say something else - it's not a pleasure An explosion kills 246 people at a nightclub in London and the area is evacuated . Four weeks later murders and bizarre suicides start happening on the periphery of the area . Is there a connection ? Reading this synopsis it does sound rather like a pulpy James Herbert pulpy trashy horror tale . No one involved with RESIDUE is kidding themselves they're going to winning an Oscar but there is a potential of a good seed there somewhere but instead of growing in to a mighty tree it ends up shrivelled in fungi and quickly dies To be fair to director Alex Garcia Lopez some shots are very well framed for what is very obviously a film constrained by a very small budget . However he doesn't do anything else well at all . Everything is overdone with constant creepy music drowning out the soundtrack . It's a horror film ? Yes Alex we noticed and can you spend more time developing the story instead of the constant and non stop reminder of the genre we are watching ? What drags the film down is the dire screenplay by John Harrison . We can forgive the ridiculous idea that the government have kept a chemical weapons dump in the heart of London if it's just used to set up the story but many things wrong with the story are unforgivable . The dialogue is always on the nose , unnatural sounding especially when voice over is used and quite frankly just bloody awful . Considering the actors weren't very good to start with their job is made impossible with the tools they're given and I doubt if Anthony Hopkins , Ian Holm or Daniel Day Lewis couldn't have given much of a performance with the lines they have to spout here Some people on this page have mentioned RESIDUE isn't in fact a stand alone feature length movie but a pilot for a much longer project . In that case let me remind everyone of the Joan Armatrading song lyric " Drop the pilot smell my perfume" because RESI-POO stinks