| 24 January 2008 (USA)
Reflections Trailers

When Carol looks into a mirror -- any mirror -- she sees images that horrify and repulse her. She's not a Medium, she's not a Ghost Whisperer, she's a frightened young woman on the edge of madness. Will the handsome stranger who offers to help turn out to be her salvation, or her final vision of terror?

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
esall1 I caught this short film at a festival in Virginia. The primary premise of the film is that the main character sees horrible events from the past or future in every reflective surface.This film surprised me with its combination of a person who's life is defined by a disturbing acceptance/expectation of the worst in everything and the life long psychological trauma that leaves her unable to do anything about it. The main main character (portrayed by Adrienne Wilkinson)expertly exudes an aura of defeat even when she as she seeks help.Without trying to give anything away. The progression of the film follows a surprising, yet possibly inevitable path that has to be seen to be truly appreciated. I will definitely see this film again.
eternalflame13 i was lucky enough to catch this movie today. it is a great and original story and has great acting in it, particularly the lead actress Adrienne Wilkinson.All movies are of course open to interpretation, but I really felt that the cast captured exactly my thoughts about the movie. It was a great treat to see this short film . I also loved the way the subject matter was a new twist. There are many tragic moments that make up the life of the main character, and yet the ending , whilst many may see as a tragedy, I found a strange sense of hope in. It was a really thought provoking and entertaining piece. I will be going to see it again.
Christa Morris Reflections is a film with a brilliant concept. Based on the premise, that when Carol Anderson looks into any reflective surface she sees any horrible thing that has been reflected in that surface. I have seen this movie twice and I have to say that each time it has intrigued me more. Adrienne Wilkinson is superb in the roll of Carol Anderson. She brings to life the character's sadness and the torment that this somewhat physic power has brought to a young women's existence. I would love to see it as a full-length feature. I also have to say that I think it would be a very interesting to explore as a television series. I would highly recommend anyone who has the chance, to see this wonderful film.
gabbysgirl I saw Reflections a few weeks ago and loved it. It was with a series of other short films but I think this one stood out more than the others. It was kind of eerie and creepy but not in a gross way. Most of the time you just get to imagine what Carol is seeing in the mirrors as she describes it. It's very much a psychological mystery. I don't want to give too much away because you really have to see it for yourself to appreciate it, but I was really surprised at who ended up being the "bad guy". It was very cool and the end was quite chilling. The actors made a wonderful little ensemble and Adrienne was absolutely brilliant. I give it two thumbs up!