Redemption: A Mile from Hell
Redemption: A Mile from Hell
| 01 January 2009 (USA)
Redemption: A Mile from Hell Trailers

Can one act justify a lifetime of wickedness? Explore the darkest confines of the soul from Robert Conway's film, "Redemption." A genre busting Western where there is no law, no good guys; only the bad and worse. Frank Harden is no stranger to the unlawful west, he is a killer. However, because of a tragic event he must battle his own worst enemy, himself.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
HomeyTao For having a relatively low budget, the film's style and overall art direction are immensely impressive.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
hackraytex I am not knocking Netflix but one of the reasons I keep the old school service of renting DVD's is so I can access movies that don't seem to be available from other sources. That in mind, I am prepared to see a lot of movies that that I probably would not see from anywhere else not even on cable.Redemption is better than a lot of the westerns that I get to see through this service. The sets, costuming, and acting are pretty good. I am only disappointed by two things: when it was supposed to be dark, it was too dark to see anything. Also, not to appear morbid, no one explained why the dead woman was tied to a stake in the street.Good job on a very limited budget.
bill-1092 I accidentally rented this movie in the redbox tonight. What a mistake. I will definitely be more careful next time. This movie sucked so bad that you could actually hear the air leaving the room. I've seen better movies made by the av club of a local high school. The only redemption this movie got was in the period clothing. Characters were shallow, plot was non-existent, and acting...... Was there any? After watching this morning, I felt like I'd been gut shot.Too bad the Apostle couldn't have put me out of my misery like he did the star. I wish I could meet the person that put their money up to make this crapfest. If they bought into this movie, maybe they'll buy the beach front property I have in Kansas.
mjonczak-1 The movie was definitely LAME. The sound track was so poor that I tried to access the Main Menu in an attempt to "add subtitles." Sorry! No subtitles. I should have hit the stop button and watched an old episode of Gunsmoke.The storyline had to be written as they were filming. I should have followed my instincts when I didn't understand what was happening in the first five minutes BEFORE the title of the movie came on the screen. But, you know when a movie starts out bad; but has an interesting concept, you want to give it a chance? Big mistake! If you're interested in "head shots," nudity and the F-bomb (5-6 times) then this is your movie. If you like a good storyline and entertainment, then you'd better look for another movie.
ptoche This movie must fall in the "so bad it's good category." It's a poor movie in every way: poor script, poor direction, poor photography, and generally poor acting -- though to be fair the main actor is doing his best.This good-looking guy shows up in this God-forsaken place in search of a Mexican girl, to take her back presumably to somewhere she'd rather be. She is currently a prostitute. On his way to the girl, a few guys are killed, spoof-like. Will the girl be saved? Will the guy outsmart enemies? If you really want to find out, there are two ways: either watch the movie or read on...SPOILERS BELOW: On his way to the Mexican girl, much loss of life. One guy's buried alive, and later shot, in an after-thought sort of way. When the guy finally finds the Mexican girl, she turns out to be this cute, helpless teenager. He falls in love with her in a matter of seconds, and naturally proceeds to bed her. There is an age difference. Plus she looks great and clean, while he's very rough-edged and hasn't had a bath. Not for the faint-hearted.Later on the guy admits to the Mexican girl that he's the one who killed her family. She's obviously turned off (who wouldn't, especially after a night of sex), but somehow inexplicably later changes her mind and is to be seen by his side as he lay dying.I couldn't work out whether the guy had a foot (or two) hacked off by a psychopathic doctor. I couldn't be bothered to rewind and play it in slow motion. I'd rather live in this limbo where the possibility is there and the certainty isn't.On the whole, a movie to be watched high or not at all.