Red Victoria
Red Victoria
NR | 01 March 2008 (USA)
Red Victoria Trailers

A writer is forced to write a horror movie by an undead muse who motivates him by killing his friends and family.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Michael Ledo Jim (Tony Brownrigg) fancies himself a script writer with style and integrity. His agent (Joshua Morris) demands he write horror, a genre Jim looks upon with disdain. He enlists the assistance of his low-brow friend Carl (Edward Landers) a horror film aficionado. Then Victoria (Arianne Martin) appears in Jim's life. Victoria is Jim's un-dead muse. Jim struggles to get rid of her and to write his screen play and tries to keep people around himself alive as Victoria is prone to do things to inspire kill people.The film is first and foremost a comedy. I love comedy-horror films and this one is no exception. I thought the film was very good, but seemed terribly miscast. It was border line cult classic.Now my beef was with Carl who said horror films are not "art" and forget any meaning. That is hardly true. Zombies represent the mindless masses who travel in packs, killing anything that is different. They are attracted to malls, Facebook, and shop on Amazon. Vampires are blood sucking capitalist who suck the life out of Don and his 2 sons Uday and Qusay. Now there are good capitalists who try to save us from evil capitalists...and Hollywood has given us good vampires who try to protect us from bad vampires. Frankenstein represents man's quest for immortality while slasher films appeal to the primordial sex and violence urges in the hypothalamus. For some the stimulation is an overload, calming our aggression like Carl in the film. For others it is just a taste that creates a craving. I think I have gone on enough. I feel better now.Guide: F-word. Implied sex. No nudity.
Russell Zoloft I downloaded this movie. Yup, I admit it. Don't ask me where or how. But, by the time the credits were rolling, I was already logged into my favorite online retailer, and was purchasing the DVD. It's that good. Don't let the ridiculously low overall rating here dissuade you.If you are looking for a straight ahead horror movie, you are in the wrong place. That's not what you'll find here. What this movie is, quite simply, is the best parody of the horror genre since the original Scream. And like Scream, it works as a comedy, a horror flick and as the satire.Excellently written, acceptably acted (granting these aren't seasoned pros) and with much better than to be expected special effects, Red Victoria is a very pleasant surprise, and well worth your time and movie bucks to see.Highly enjoyable, and highly recommended!
andyrose_tx Anthony Brownrigg wrote, directed, produced, and starred in this film. He spent $5,000 to create this film, originally as a "resume" piece to help him secure funding for another project. However, his film is so well done, the acting is so superb, and the story so fantastic, it has become a breakout hit and is generating a lot of buzz.Arianne Martin plays an undead muse who comes to inspire Tim to write a good horror screenplay. Tim believes horror is low-brow opiate for the masses and hardly worthy of his intelligence. Victoria, the undead muse, inspires him by killing a few people, working to induce horrific situations, and teaching him about the emotion of horror. Carl, played by Edward Landers, is a horror fan and a friend of Tim's who is also enlisted to help Tim gain the knowledge necessary to write this horror film. Arianne, Tony, and Ed create memorable scenes, their acting is supreme, and their interactions are natural and very believable.This film is a must-see for horror fans, comedy fans, and fans of great independent low-budget cinematic brilliance.
The Dhampir The movie opens with two people doing an interview about the success of a horror movie. And essentially the entire film is about a screenwriter "Jim" (Anthony Brownrigg)who doesn't want to write horror films, despite his agent wanting him to. Jim's problem isn't so much that he doesn't want to write it, more that he doesn't have any idea of how to. Jim turns to his buddy and the films resident horror fanatic Carl (Edward Landers)to help him with the semantics of his tale. (He could have just called the Dhampir in for an assist!) Still not knowing what to do he does what the Dhampir himself enjoys doing during times of stress and gets drunk. So whilst drunk he recites some Shakespeare (Yawn!) then goes to bed only to find his new inspiration (sort of) and "editor" Victoria (Arianne Martin)waiting to meet him.SIDE NOTE*** The Dhampir cannot think of any circumstances where this lovely gal, Arianne Martin, waiting in bed for him could ever be considered a bad thing! So after an entertaining introduction, Victoria ..tells Jim that she's there to help him write his story.She then proceeds to kill off anyone who distracts or interferes with the writing of said screenplay. Ed can actually see Victoria, so he' s safe, and helps Jim come up with ways to try to help Jim get rid of Victoria of which absolutely 0 work.The things the Dhampir loved!!!!+++++ **I give Brownrigg credit for working in an adaptation of Abbot & Costello's "Who's on First" Skit, it does happen to be one of the Dhampir's favorite skits of all time. Not an easy trick for modern horror.**Brownrigg does an excellent job at playing an idealistic lofty goaled writer. He's nervous, and nerdy in the extreme and Brownrigg, is in real life nothing like that.**Martin is both beautiful, extremely beautiful and can act as well, she's more than just a pair of eyes, and more than just eye candy. She plays the role Angelic and Evil simultaneously.**It's funny as hell! **This is a fresh and new idea, not a remake nor is it something that we've seen in 100's of other films, Brownrigg has a vision. It's a fun movie.**This isn't just an indie film, but one that the Dhampir feels will be a cult classic in time! The things that the Dhampir didn't love so much!------------ -- No nudity.--There could have been more on screen deaths.--The audio comes out of sync from time to time.--Victoria changes back into her Arianne "form" too early in the movie, maybe a budget thing? SPOILER INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!! OK so, Ed eventually finds this "Holy Dagger" and gives it to Jim after the "I'm a necrophiliac! Oh God! I did! I'm a necrophiliac!" scene. (Which the Dhampir loved by the way) which can only be used at midnight on Halloween. So our hero puts up with Victoria for two months and finally we arrive at Halloween night. Victoria has a woman tied to a chair and wants Jim to kill her, he refuses (Wuss) and goes home. Victoria comes in and he used the "Holy Dagger" to stab her to death, turns around and there she stands. He turns to look at her body which he deposited on his bed (More necrophilia? You ask?) Only to find out that he just stabbed Ed to death! After a conversation about truth Jim shoots himself in the head! The movie closes back at the interview from the beginning, Victoria is behind the interviewer with a knife and Jim stands up telling the interview that the secret of the first film is that it's a trilogy. Jim stands up obscuring the camera and Roll credits! THE DHAMPIR SAYS!!!! I lover this movie!!! it was fun and refreshing to see newness in horror. This was new actors, a new story and it was fun. A lot of the music is from a band called "7 seconds of love" and even it's fun. You need to go see this film! ********* 9 out of 10 stars