Red Sky
Red Sky
| 23 August 2017 (USA)
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Vietnam - 1946. Philippe is committed to pacifying an unknown country made of dense forests and spectacular mountains. His ideals collapse when he realizes that he must torture and kill a young vietnamese who is fighting for his independence. He decides to flee with her on an unpredictable journey to the heart of the jungle. They will discover who they are. This film is the story of their love.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Hayleigh Joseph This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
jacklonghung My previous review got deleted by IMDb because they want to censor Asian's reviews. My bet is that they will remove my review as well.This is one of the most disgusting movie ever produce about the Vietnam War. The actress and co-producer should be ashamed of themselves to collaborate in this project. French colonialism was exploitative of the Vietnamese people. Now these French producers want to whitewash their sins. This is the slap in the face of those who suffered during French colonial time.
daryndrake A 21st Century retelling of Miss Saigon. Trying to wring a sentimental tragic love story out of a period of outright colonial brutality, except this time from the perspective of the power that got kicked out of Vietnam before Charlie and Martin Sheen landed in the jungle to kick commie but. And above all else, a love story around a subject and stereotype that was born in the wartime brothels outside American military bases and still afflicts millions of poverty stricken South East Asian women to this day.
Bawlife 80 years of colonialism, people dying and suffering, and this is the piece of crap they come up with. It's like a Nazi concentration camp overseer snatching one Jewish girl and then falling in love with her whilst fleeing, like it's so beautiful that a guy that was in it to kill your people was benevolent enough to want to have sex with you and then run off with you while your family gets eradicated. White men like Olivier Lorelle are just disgusting. They don't get it. They will never. I'm so done with this crap. One of the worst tragedies of my country and they make a glorified porn out of it.This movie spits on the graves of Khmer / Viet / Lao soldiers/people who for many years fought hard and won a hard earned independence.Western colonialism never ended. Long after they "leave" your country, they'll still make a mockery of you with movies like this and treat you like subhuman trash. And the local populace will eat it up, because they've been so inundated and brainwashed with propaganda that they don't even know any better.It is a form of highly effective psychological warfare. We don't see them in our history as rapists and murders. We don't see them as terrorists. We see them as James Bond, Jason Bourne, Captain America, and now Philippe.
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