Red Riding Hood
Red Riding Hood
| 01 January 2003 (USA)
Red Riding Hood Trailers

A retelling of the classic tale, with Red as a psychotic vigilante.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
wargod-six first off to those that don't realize its not the one that came out 2011 its nothing like that this one is about a psycho teen who's parents abandon her and her grandmother goes to Italy to bring her home with her red basically holds her grandmother hostage she has and imanginary friend who is a big bad wolf im kinda confused by it was it really imangdy it seemed like it was but then at the end it kinda changed but she was crazy so could of been just her imaginary friend she kills a few people and beleaves its really her friend doing it so i dunno i found it to be a good movie its hard to find this is another link to the movie i was able to find I've letted the site know so they could update it but they haven't yet the trailers on this page are not to this movie but they are to the 2011 one here the link to this one id say check it out when i first downloaded it i thought it was the 2011 but then i watched it but it wasn't a waste
Paul Andrews Red Riding Hood starts as twelve year old girl Jennifer McKenzie (Susanna Satta) moves to Rome after the murder of her father (Devin McKinney) a high ranking judge. While in Rome Jennifer stalks the streets dishing out the sort of justice to the criminal element that even her father would blush at with help from her mutant Dog George, things turn complicated when Jennifer's Grandmother Rose (Kathleen Archebald) arrives in town & demands that Jennifer comes back to new York with her. Liking her life Jennifer isn't keen on the idea & uses her Grandmother's allergy of peanuts to hold her captive while she carries on her murderous campaign against crime...This Italian production was directed by Giacomo Cimini & produced by Greek rip-off merchant Ovidio G. Assonitis whose major claim to fame is that he sacked director James Cameron from Piranha Part Two: The Spawning (1981) who would go on to become one of the most successful filmmakers of all time with mega hits like The Terminator (1984) & it's sequel, Aliens (1986), The Abyss (1989), True Lies (1994) & Titantic (1997). I guess Assonitis wouldn't know good film-making talent if it was literally biting him on the bum considering the respective careers of both Assonitis & Cameron since Piranha Part Two! The title suggests that this silly horror film is a twist on the well known fairytale Little Red Riding Hood although apart from one or two ideas & concepts the two have little in common. Jennifer rides around on a bike in a cloak & hood & wears red outfits, there's George who is supposed to represent the Big Bad Wolf & then there's Rose the Grandmother who eventually becomes bedridden but the actual plot has no connection to the fairytale. The film is rather strange & offbeat with large chunks of it told from the point of view of Jennifer as she narrates her feelings even though we end up knowing very little about her, her motives are none existent (she supposedly kills criminals yet decides to kill two people for just having an affair) & the predictable yet awful twist ending (featuring a tap dancing delivery driver) makes no sense whatsoever in any sort of context. While some might like it's offbeat style & sense of humour I thought it was pretty poor, it annoyed me & I really didn't get any sort of entertainment from it.The Golden age of Italian horror is long gone, during the 70's & early 80's the Italian film industry churned out lots of horror films many of which were great but by the 90's it's output was awful & apart from the odd decent Dario Argento flick I can't think of a single good Italain horror film from the twenty first century. Unlike the good old days when Italian horror films were dubbed into English with some unintentionally funny dialogue Red Riding Hood looks like it was shot in English & the dialogue is noticeably dull by comparison. The gore is alright, there's a severed hand, a bottle is forced into someones mouth, two people are killed with a nail gun, an annoying tap dancer has both his legs cut off & there's some blood splatter but nothing that memorable. There's a brief shower scene with a bit of nudity & sex too.Production wise Red Riding Hood looks alright, it's well made I suppose although there's not much style here. Also it has to be said that whoever did the subtitles didn't do their research as two Italian paramedics say 'you called 911?' yet the telephone number for the Italian emergency services is 112,113 or 118 & 911 is obviously the US emergency services number. The acting isn't that great but I've seen worse, this is actress Susanna Satta's only credit & although I can't find any birthday date for her she certainly looks a lot older than twelve.Red Riding Hood is a very strange film that tries to be clever but isn't & comes across as lazy, cheap & not very good. If you want to watch a horror themed take on the Little Red Riding Hood tale then check out Deadtime Stories (1986) AKA Freaky Fairy tales instead.
ThrownMuse This is a retelling of the classic fairytale. Here, Little Red Riding Hood is an obnoxious spoiled brat who is best friends with "the Wolf" (a mysterious figure with a cap and wolf mask, who she believes is her, well, dog.) Instead of venturing out to visit Grandma, they live with her keep her captive, torturing her. Think "Freeway" meets "Misery." I really wanted to love this movie, but I couldn't because the lead actress was so terrible and obnoxious, performing as if she were in a junior high school play. I'm not sure if the ending is a joke that misfired, but I didn't think it was amusing. If you like twisted fairy tales, you probably want to check this out, but be warned, it can get very grating at times.
raziel11102001 This story had so much potential... But it was shittily done with crappy equipment, contrived dialogue, shitty camera angles, and an awful actress in the lead role. I HATED this movie. But the concept was pretty neat, and there were boobs, so I believe someone should take it upon themselves to remake it. Since that's unlikely to happen, this movie will most likely go down as the worst version of red riding hood...ever... and also will be inducted into the 100 worst movies hall of fame. I would really like to see someone take this concept, run with it, and do it some justice. As long as someone does this movie with a budget over $5000 dollars, it would probably be a vast improvement.BLOWS MAJOR ASS! SOMEONE PLEEEEASE REMAKE THIS!