Red Mercury
Red Mercury
| 13 May 2005 (USA)
Red Mercury Trailers

Three young Muslim men, part of a terror cell, are making a bomb in a London flat, when they get a call to vacate immediately with their gear. The police have been alerted and they are under suspicion.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
WiseRatFlames An unexpected masterpiece
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
bernie-122 Good cast, promising storyline, mediocre film.It started off alright, then kind of shot itself in the foot. There was some blatantly bad science in the form of a computer hard disk being added to the bomb. It was without its cover. Hard disks do not operate in the open, they must have clean-room conditions.What else wrecked it was all the side-tracks and sub-plots such as the druggie daughter. These added nothing to the story and were added presumably as filler. All it did was make the production look even more TV-ish.Anyway, it's got some good one-liners and a few funny bits that might make it worth a watch.
mentalmummy Three Muslim men making a bomb are tipped off that the police are after them and run out of their flat as the police arrive, thinking on their feet they go into the nearest open building, a Greek restaurant, and hold the staff and patrons hostage while they try to figure out a way to complete their plan.The script is well written and the acting is very good throughout, the tension is kept up well and you do end up understanding why some of the men think the way they do.The police are shown as very clever and quick thinking, which makes a nice change as often they are portrayed as foolish,and the film seems very realistic with the obligatory dramatic finale of course.Overall a decent, interesting film which I doubt many would be bored by and one worth a look if you're bored or just fancy a good thriller.SPOILER: While the film is tense and dramatic most of the time there is one scene that made me laugh out loud and provided a touch of light relief to the tension.Stockard Channings character intervenes in the process of making demands with a request concerning the Elgin Marbles. As the police and MI5 read the list of demands they pause, look confused and then we find out what was added....
luke-283 First the positive The movie opens like a real thriller, with some good action shots with a pace and score that that will keep you on the edge of your seat.The cast all do a good job with their roles, the dialog and story line are credible for the most part. The score moves along well with the scenes.On the down side the overall look and feel of this movie puts it squarely in the made for TV drama category. There are no real surprises. The action is quickly toned down to family prime viewing level and the drama level increases proportionately.This, IMO, is not a bad movie but it doesn't offer the kind of entertainment value you would expect from a big screen film. It will do well on TV on both sides of the pond.
sd0006 Had a chance to catch this film at the Montreal World Film Festival. The screenwriter was there to introduce the film, and some interesting behind-the-scenes anecdotes. This movie was released just before the London bombings, so the timing was eerie.The movie tries to cover a lot of ground, as it reveals some back story of the terrorists, as well as the hostages. Some high powered British movie stars play in this movie, including Stockard Channing. Ron Silver is in it as well. When I think back to it, the movie plays a bit like "24". The movie has a good pace to it, not too slow. I expect this movie will be released in the U.S. as well; worth watching.
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