Red Lion
Red Lion
| 17 December 1969 (USA)
Red Lion Trailers

Impersonating an Imperial Army officer by wearing a "red lion's mane", a poor servant returns to his village after 10 years of absence to end the village's suffering caused by corrupt officials.

Cortechba Overrated
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
poe426 Toshiro Mifune's turn as the stuttering Gonzo in RED LION is so out of character for the actor that his performance here really stands out. The gullible Gonzo (who fell out of a tree as a kid and presumably did some serious damage to his noggin) returns to his village, Sawando, wearing the mane of The Red Lion as a representative of The Imperial Army (which is on its way to facilitate what they refer to as "the world renewal," during which all taxes will be waived and all wrongs set right). Gonzo meets the pickpocket Sanji "The Wallet Collector," Hanzo, a "lai" (quick-draw swordsman), and is reunited with his long-lost love, Otomi (who was forced into prostitution when Gonzo was believed killed and tossed into a river). Says the naive Gonzo: "There's really gonna be a world renewal! It's gonna be a peasant's world!" (The Occupy Movement, anyone...?) "Those with money really DO have money," marvels one young woman sold into prostitution when she sees the loot hoarded by the corrupt town officials. But all is not well. "You're doomed," Gonzo's mother tells him: "No matter how many lives you've got!" The zaibatsu (plutocrats) won't allow the peasants to rise up. (The Occupy Movement, anyone...?) "Theory and real life can sometimes come into conflict," the old village sensei observes at one point. There are some interesting characters throughout RED LION and, as stated, Mifune takes a turn for the funny throughout- but his humorous antics give way late in the movie to some serious drama. RED LION is not to be missed.
MartinHafer For non-Japanese audiences, this is not an easy film to understand as it takes a decent knowledge of their history to understand what's happening. I will try to sum up the context for when the film begins. Although Japan was technically ruled by the Emperor, the office had long become a figurehead. So, while people loved and respected their emperors, the real running of the country was left to mob bosses, of sorts. And in the process, they exploited the people and kept the country in a feudal state. This is referred to as the Tokugawa Shogunate, as these shogun (bosses, really) ruled like emperors and the emperor lived in seclusion--in luxury but also like a virtual prisoner.All this changed in the late 1850s when the US sent a fleet to ships to Japan to forcibly create relations with the west. You see, up until then, the Shogunate had banned virtually all contact with the outside world for two hundred years. Now, against their will, they were essentially forced to welcome the American forces...or else. The Shogunate hated this but the Emperor seized this as an opportunity to finally assert itself and take power. So, against the wishes of the various clans that ran the country, the Emperor negotiated to open up his country as well as asset control. While not an overnight change, through a series of wars and HUGE social upheaval, the country shifted to an Imperial rule--known as the Meiji period."Red Lion" is set about circa 1860 and begins with a new Imperial army being created to solidify power. The people are in favor of this--partly because the emperor always was the object of veneration and partly because the Shogunate had often times exploited the people for selfish reasons. And, while there was much fighting between various clans during this time, the Emperor's forces were essentially left untouched, as the Shogunate could not defy their god-like but until recently impotent leader.In this new army is a loud and rather atypical guy (Toshirô Mifune). He is NOT one of the leaders but seems to be very willing to speak his mind to his superiors--a very non-Japanese sort of way of acting. And, when the army approaches his old home town, this brash guy suggests to the leader that Mifune be allowed to enter the place in the guise as the commander of the Imperial forces (by wearing the red headdress of the leader), as he knows the people and will get their support much quicker than the real guy. Plus, they can use their forces to enter and convert other nearby towns to their cause. While the plan makes some sense, you soon see that Mifune is, to put it bluntly, a bit inept. Can this bozo manage to complete his mission successfully--especially when the local bosses aren't about to just give up the power they've held for so long?! Well, you do have to admire the film for covering this time period in an unusual way. While I've seen plenty of Japanese films set during this struggle, almost all the others were heroic or tragic in style. This one is almost a comedy...blended with some small battle scenes. The hero, if you want to call him that, is brash but stutters and hardly instills confidence--hardly a role you might expect for Mifune, but a good one.While I did enjoy this film, it has two basic problems. The first I have already mentioned--it's not a great film if you can't follow the plot because you don't know the history. Second, it seemed overlong--as after a while it seemed to lose some of its momentum. But, it's still essentially a good story and well worth seeing. Plus, the ending provides lots of exciting bloody action...if you're into that sort of thing.By the way, the phrase the peasants chant at the end ""Ee ja nai ka"" was also the title of a movie about this time period and its impact on the poor. Roughly translated, it means "why not?".
sagemgr This superb movie was my first political science training experience in my youth. I rank it in my top 10 favorite movies. I first saw it (English subtitle was "Red Lion")in its first showing (it was 35 years ago in L.A. or was it S.F.?)as a guest of the local distributer. I'm still affected by it's message of political betrayal. As a fan of T. Mifune, I was already conditioned by his superman samurai image. I kept expecting and then praying that his main character would toss aside his weaknesses and become the champion of justice and vanquish all evil. But, gasp, he doesn't and he is cut down. I still feel the blades in my own body as he is penetrated and dies. There is a lot in this movie but it was this aspect that grabbed me. What a fantastic gift of life instruction from Japan, to be on guard against betrayals in life. I recommend this film to everyone.
zetes Check out the previous comment for more complete information on the historical aspects of Red Lion - he obviously knows a lot about it, and I found it very useful to read that right after I finished watching the film.All I can say for sure about this film, though, is that I loved it. It's enormously entertaining! First off, it's hilarious. One doesn't generally think of Toshiro Mifune as a comic actor (although there are comic elements in his characters in Rashomon and The Seven Samurai), but he's quite funny here. It's not a humor that many Americans could appreciate, though. It's very Japanese. If you're a fan of anime or video games, the humor will be recognizable. Second, it's exciting. I love Okamoto's Sword of Doom, and the action sequences in Red Lion are equal. It's actually a little more action-oriented than that film, which is more suspense-oriented. And, third, it's dramatically effective. Gonzo (Toshiro Mifune) starts off the film as a comic character, but by the end he grows into a hero of great stature. The color cinematography of Red Lion is also very beautiful. 10/10.