Red Line
Red Line
| 07 December 1995 (USA)
Red Line Trailers

A car thief is seen stealing, and is blackmailed into stealing more cars for someone else's profit.

InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
mike_cable Classic action man Steve McQueen was well known for his love of cars and racing and this inspiration shines through as his son, Chad McQueen, follows in his footsteps, putting together an ambitious film full of car chases, sleazy dialog and some naughty content.The other notable names involved are a curious list: Jan Michael Vincent from Airwolf, Dom DeLuise from Cannonball Run, Eighties child star Corey Feldman and Reservoir Dogs heavy Michael Madsen. The other stars are of course the numerous makes and models of cars used in the car chases: Porsche 911 and 928, Jaguar XK, Chevrolet Camaro and Corvette, two Ford Mustangs and more.The story follows a reckless thief who robs shops and steals cars for a living but works by day as a mechanic. When he becomes mixed up with a heavy who blackmails him to steal cars for him, he discovers a way to turn it around and make a fortune in the process. Of all the scenes, the most memorable is when Chad's character spots a green Mustang and goes on to pay homage to his father's chase scene in his classic film Bullit.In some of the scenes it is easy to think they didn't have any planning or arrangement with traffic management or the public during the filming of their chase scenes. The dialog is written and delivered with poor timing by all actors and excessive use of the same engine sound effects during car chase scenes can be distracting, otherwise it's a must-see for car enthusiasts and fans of bad films.I give it 1 extra point for ambition.
Jeff Wagner You have to like it for what it is. It is a cheep car movie with Corey Feldman and Jan Michael Vincent in it. It doesn't matter what else happens. That is what defines this one. With that said. It was fun. I enjoy the low budget car films. This has the car chases, a little t-n-a and a few big names and an odd cameo. First the cars and chases. You have a Corvette, a few Porshes, a Ferrari, a Jaguar and a few Mustanges. Chad McQueen, Steve McQueen's son, at one point drives a green 1968 Mustang Fastback I guess as a tribute to Bullett in which his father stared. The chases are good, not great. You can tell that one car is attached to a camera truck during one of the chases. The story is about what you would expect. Not going to elaborate. The stars. Well Chad McQueen is not his dad but is well suited for the lead in a low budget car film. Corey Feldman is ...well... Corey Feldman. Michael Madsen plays a guy like Michael Madsen would play. Jan Michael Vincent, I think had a motorcycle accident before this movie was made and his face looks like it went through a meet grinder. But he fits the over all theme of this movie. LOW BUDGET. Dom Delouis plays the worst role I think he has ever played. And if you watch close Ron Jeremy pops up twice in the film. Don't get me wrong. If you like cheesy low-budget car films, this will hit the spot. If you are looking for Bullett. Not it.
jackootz This was meant to be a comedy,right? It couldn't have been a serious try at an action/drama flick! I had more laughs watching this mess than any Jim Carrey movies! I loved watching McQueen get all confused trying to figure out the shift pattern on that 'Bullitt' ripoff Mustang. How about when he popped the clutch in reverse & then couldn't find first gear! Ahahaha! Or the high performance Corvette that couldn't outrun the 195 horsepower Police cars. Then there's the obligatory Bullitt chase sequence ripoff where all the cross traffic is 'mysteriously' moving faster than the chase vehicles.(I'm not sure I can spoil anything about this thing but I guess this could be a spoiler):I like the Reservoir Dog ripoff scene.Is that how they fooled Madsen into getting involved in this thing? The only drama I found was looking at Vincents face.I kept wondering how hammered he must have been to check himself out of a hospital after a near fatal crash just to act in such a fatal wreck of a movie. Actually, I think I might be too harsh. It really served some good unintentional humor! Sort of like watching The A-Team.
taterman Lots of cars get wrecked in this movie which is only fitting, as this is a car wreck of a movie. You know you shouldn't stare, but you go ahead and do it anyway. If you hang in there and keep watching, you'll be treated to classic scenes such as a car chase in which identical film clips keep looping to give the impression that the chase stretches over an extended period. A lead actress so bad she would be hooted off the stage of a high school production. And former "big name" actors who have some explaining to do if they ever want to be taken seriously again.