Red Line 7000
Red Line 7000
NR | 09 November 1965 (USA)
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The lives and passions of a stock car team are revealed against the turbulent backdrop of the professional racing world.

filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
zardoz-13 Clearly, Howard Hawks was not at the top of his game when he made "Redline 7000" (1965) with James Caan, John Robert Crawford, and Skip Ward. This tire-screecher ranks as one of the worst movies that the director ever helmed. This rubber-meets-the-road NASCAR saga pits racers against racers both on and off the asphalt, and racers against women. Although he has the leading role, James Caan hardly qualifies as the leading man. John Robert Crawford runs a close second as a rival NASCAR driver raised in poverty who refuses to follow in the footsteps of his humble father and grandfather to eke out a living off the land. Finally, Skip Ward is an internationally acclaimed driver making his transition from the European to the American racing circuit. Little about these three protagonists is charismatic, and they behave like louts. The women who fall in love with them love them unconditionally no matter what they have done. One driver loses a hand, but he recovers to drive another day, with two metal clasps on his left hand. Another driver comes close to killing a rival when he jams him up against the wall of the racetrack, and the car soars off the track to crash beyond the course with an explosion. Things might have been marginally better if Hawks had cast celebrity Hollywood actors rather than these unknowns. John Robert Crawford never made another movie after "Redline 7000." Morever, the racers aren't somebody that you'd want to share a drink with because they aren't that likable. The relationships that they share with the nubile dames are as melodramatic as a soap opera. "Spinout" scenarist George Kirgo spent most of his career toiling in television rather than the movies. He has penned dialogue that is neither quotable nor catchy. Interestingly, another scripter who worked on this movie was Steve McNeil whose sole cinematic credit is Hawks earlier effort "Man's Favorite Sport." According to Hawks, a movie was good if it had five strong scenes. Redline 7000" doesn't have a good scene. The pacing is off, too. Star wattage registers at the dim end, and the virtual anonymity of the cast serves to heighten this quality. They spent most of their time on interior sets reciting dialogue that is pretty dull. Most of the NASCAR racing footage looks like it was shot with a regular camera. The characters and most of the situations amount to clichés. It is still difficult for me to believe that Howard Hawks helmed this half-baked hokum.
gavin6942 The story of three racing drivers and three women, who constantly have to worry for the lives of their boyfriends.You know, Howard Hawks makes a lot of great films. And this one has a darn fine cast: James Caan, Teri Garr, George Takei (in a small role). But it just is not one of his better films by a long shot. In fact, it is mostly forgettable.We have a raspy voiced singer, which is typical of Hawks, but a terrible song and dance number to go with it. This makes the songs in Rio Bravo" look even better than they already are.Also, if screwdrivers (the beverage) were a trademarked name, this would be an incredible advertisement for screwdrivers. Why is that the drink that gets repeatedly ordered? Why name a drink at all? Seemed very strange, and the French woman came off sounding more Russian than French at times (with all due respect to Marianna Hill).
ARosser14 As a die-hard racing fan and a lover of the sport's history, not to mention early-mid 1960s vintage, I thoroughly looked forward to watching this film. And it first, it was quite good. The opening scenes at the Daytona International Speedway, highlighted by the kind of horrific, fiery accident that was all-too-commonplace during that era are well done. So are the rest of the racing scenes, save for one rather ridiculous bit of action at Daytona later in the film.Unfortunately, once the characters get away from the track, the movie starts to go downhill. The dialogue is uncomfortable and often downright bad, and the whole soap opera plays out rather disappointingly. Like most racing films, it shows great promise, but winds up well off the pace. I rate it 4 out of 10 thanks to the great racing scenes and the performance of James Caan. The rest, unfortunately, is all very forgettable.
floydsmoot Red Line 7000, one of Howard Hawks's later films, is generally considered one of his worst, thanks to fake-looking racing scenes, hilariously inappropriate dialogue and musical sequences, and ghastly performances from never-weres such as James Ward, Laura Devon, Gail Hire and particularly John Robert Crawford. But the film is redeemed by the dynamic chemistry between James Caan and the exciting Marianna Hill in their individual scenes together. Caan shows in this film the intensity and talent that would make him one of the best actors of the early-1970s, and Hill's performance, on-par with other memorable Howard Hawks discoveries as Lauren Bacall and Angie Dickinson, makes you wonder why she didn't become a bigger star before fading into obscurity. Particularly memorable are Hill's two lusty dancing sequences, at the nightclub and later in front of the Holiday Inn Pepsi machine, as James Caan observes her from afar. Caan and Hill redeem Red Line 7000 from being a total disaster--the movie should have focused only on their characters and gotten rid of everybody else--but, even with its many weaknesses, the film is still more intriguing than the overrated Grand Prix (1966) anyday.