Reboot - Daemon Rising
Reboot - Daemon Rising
| 19 October 2001 (USA)
Reboot - Daemon Rising Trailers

Looks like Bob and his fellow computer Sprites may have finally met their match. Supervirus Daemon is spreading her infection throughout the entire Net and edging ever closer to the City of Mainframe. Bob joins forces with old enemies in an attempt to foil her destruction of Mainframe and must reach into the past to find the answer.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
jpicard I have finally just got to see Season 4, (thanks to a Canadian DVD store that I bought the DVD from), and I must say well done! what an excellent series!I have followed reboot since its very 1st season back in 1994 (10 years, has it really been that long?). The Reboot producers have proven that excellent story writing, great voice actors, and great production can be written in to so called "children's programmes", though I class reboot in the field of Japanese Manga, where animation is not just for kids for but adults too!To all involved with the last season OF REBOOT , well done, and I cant wait for a conclusion to the cliff-hanger.(if there is one?)... I am so glad that fans have power to bring back series as good as reboot (like far scape to name just but one)!Congratulations again!... :)
Robert Colt Well, its been along time coming. This first movie, which is really first segment of newly assembled 4th Season of Reboot picks up from where Third Season left off. The season is a big eye opener with more revelations about Mainframe's past and what's its all about on the net. We finally get to see Daemon and what she all about. Revelations about the vaguely mentioned Twin City of Mainframe, Dot's dad and others. The series is full of eye opening effects, including writing that makes you think America media business is really broken, for there is open creativity in this series. Full action and suspense, you never know quite how things will turn out. However this series resume quite after it left off, with all things. Technology of the series is very apparent as it was in the 3rd season, as when younger versions of our main characters appear. Also, changes in continuum of the story are shown slightly, but don't really ruin anything. Its a great show!
cctheron Beware! Spoilers!Finally, more ReBoot. I was a fan of the show ever since 1994 when the first episode aired. Daemon Rising is a very good TV Movie (or Four-Parter for us Americans), and has a lot of what the original ReBoot had. One thing I found odd is how the lips don't move as well as they did in the original three seasons. It wasn't all the time, just some points had funky lip synchronizing. All of your favorite characters are back, with the addition of a few new faces. Daemon wasn't a very classical villain, which is what made Megabyte and Hexadecimal so good. The ending has a sort of irony to it, and any sensitive people better have a tissue ready. I'm looking forward to more of the season 4 ReBoot episodes.
Grilka If you've never seen 'ReBoot', you're missing a great show. The writers have such a sense of humor & throw in so many references to other shows and movies that you usually won't catch it all with just one watching. The new movies/season 4 have been a long time coming but totally worth the wait. The suspense of having to wait an entire week for the next episode (on Cartoon Network) is absolute torture. Hopefully they'll do well enough in the ratings to earn even MORE seasons.