Real Men
Real Men
PG-13 | 25 September 1987 (USA)
Real Men Trailers

A womanizing CIA agent and an insecure insurance agent are paired together to make sure a deal goes through with aliens for the future of mankind.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
SnoopyStyle CIA Agent Pillbox (John Ritter) is killed before he is scheduled to meet space aliens. Nick Pirandello (James Belushi) is a hard-charging super-agent. He is assigned to recruit doppleganger mild-mannered family man Bob Wilson (John Ritter) for the meeting. It's to save the planet from a chemical released by the military in exchange for a glass of water. The Russians are trying to stop them. Others in their agency want a Big Gun which could destroy a planet to use against the Russians.This is a strange little attempt at a spy action spoof. It doesn't really start out that way although Belushi as a super-agent could be taken that way. The strange concepts keep building up. It's not terribly funny but it is weirdly interesting. It does have Ritter and Belushi. Dennis Feldman doesn't seem to be that funny in his output. He's certainly not known as a director. This strange idea could work especially with these two comedic actors if the script is much funnier.
Josiah McClurg Let it be known that I'm a huge fan of madcap, underrated comedy like Hudson Hawk, Wild Hogs, Last Action Hero, etc. For me, the secret to humor is surprise and I saw literally all but two of the gags coming well before they were executed -- badly. For those two times, and the subsequent laughs they gave me, I give this film two stars. :-)As far as the plot goes, it was equally predictable. Normally, I do not mind that in this kind of movie. After all, it's supposed to be about kicks and giggles, not about telling an interesting story. But, without the requisite giggles, I found it nearly unwatchable. Belushi was absolutely impossible to like, and his chemistry with John Ritter was virtually nonexistent. Do yourself a favor, and avoid this film.
p-webster-2 I first saw this film whilst visiting the States at the age of 15. Unfortunately I missed the start (which meant I didn't know the name of the film and was kinda important plot wise) but I still really enjoyed it. Years later I stumbled across it being shown on ITV here and thus discovered the films name. I caught it from the start, and being that little bit older, enjoyed it even more.Belushi's character is superb and he delivers his lines with perfect timing, "I only smoke after sex" "oh not that much then"...."about a pack a day." Not wanting to make a big thing out of this, I can only recommend if you haven't seen it to give it a try - you'll be using the quotes for years to come.Enjoy.
roger-490 Real Men! A classic among comedies! Absurd yet undeniably compelling and original! Ritter and Belushi are a perfect coupling, combining chalk and cheese, as it were, yet it turns out to be one of the best films of the 80s! Belushi is so condescending it's almost unreal and Ritter gives a delightful performance as the paper pushing loser who discovers his inner strength yet never takes himself too seriously. The first time I saw this film I thought it was brilliant and my opinion of it has improved over repeated viewings. My favourite scene is this; A war between east and west has occurred. The streets of a small American town are littered with Russian agent's, victims of hot shot CIA agent Nick Pirandello and his trusty sidekick, Bob the man with the dangerous index finger. Gunfire echoes around the house where nick and bob shelter themselves from the remaining Russian's bullets. Suddenly, all goes quiet. Bob turns to nick and asks "What's going on?" Nick looks at his watch and says "Coffee break!" It would seem the Russian's relentless pursuit of the alien rendezvous map was to take a temporary back seat in favour of their hard earned worker's rights! This is but one scene from the film, which is replete with funny bits. I was sad to hear of the passing of John Ritter. God rest him.