Ready 2 Die
Ready 2 Die
| 18 March 2014 (USA)
Ready 2 Die Trailers

After a violent bank robbery, the trio of hoods make their way across East L.A. carrying a blood-soaked bag of money. When word gets out, they must fend off gangs and crooked cops alike as they strive to keep the loot and stay alive.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
mojopro The first thing that strikes me about Ready 2 Die is how well director John Azpilicueta utilizes limited resources and makes this feel like it had a much bigger budget than it probably did. The cinematographer in particular places you right in the action, as if you're a character in the film getting pulled through the action. This documentary feel was a smart choice for the story, as it ups the intensity, especially in the action scenes (which include one of the best car chase sequences I've seen in a long time). Not all of the acting is top notch, and there are some sound problems that would prevent this film from landing a perfect score, but there's enough good about it that it ranks as "very good- excellent" and is more than worth the watch.
doublebky So I saw a decent rating on this film om IMDb and thought to myself "Hey, it is only 80 minutes long and sounds interesting...why not?" HUGE MISTAKE!!!! This movie has so many Grand Theft Auto clichés that I truly think the writers of the movie/script played the game while coming up with material. Stereotypical thugs rob banks and flee from the police but at no time do they seem to be worried/threatened. Word gets out about the money they have. The dialogue is BEYOND horrible. Junior high kids talk about better things. Shot on a low budget with low expectations.The only reason why it gets a 2 is because the getaway car is pretty cool. The camera work sucks The acting looks worse than a junior high school play. They did manage to have a few explosions but even those looked cheezy.At no point in time do you feel any sympathy for the "good guys" (use that term loosely, after all, they brag about shooting innocent women). I found myself hoping they would get killed just so it would be OVER! After 60 minutes of watching, I literally was laughing at how horrible the plot was and why the hell I was still watching. If you make it that far, you deserve some kind of award.AVOID!
Stuart Conover I was looking for a new crime filled movie (lets admit it gangster flicks are always a blast) when I stumbled across Ready 2 Die. The plot is pretty straight forward with a bank robbery gone wrong as they are trying to get somewhere safe after stealing quite a load of money. Of course the cops are after them as you would expect but to top that off they also have to avoid rival gang members who want the money for themselves. The characters within aren't people you are going to necessarily like but if you love to watch people getting away with (quite literally) murder this is a joyride you aren't going to want to get off of. The plot is a pretty standard robbery flick with a low budget but but the action really stood out as gritty and fun. Honestly the budget is what hurt this film as if the filmmakers had more to put into the effects I really could see this as something that could stand out. As it is if you are in the mood for some pure violent fun this one would be worth your time!
genandkel Worst movie I've seen in ages. High School kids could have done a better job filming this in my opinion. The film looked like it was shot on a fifty dollar budget. I had a house full of people that wanted to burn the movie after the first twenty minutes. I couldn't help but semi watch it to the end do to the fact it was like an accident, You couldn't look away. The video was choppy and the special affects were nothing less than school kid antics. How anyone could even market this film is beyond me but it obviously caught someone's attention. It has the usual makings of a action film, sex, violence, murder and car chases and it still didn't meet my expectations or the expectations of my peers. Im really having a hard time summing this one up but don't take my word for it give it a look for yourself.