Rapid Exchange
Rapid Exchange
| 13 May 2003 (USA)
Rapid Exchange Trailers

To break the plane during flight 747 and steal a quarter of a billion dollars is needed pervaded team, however, the members are given betrayals that can spoil the coup.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Lawbolisted Powerful
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Tom Berge Excellent action movie with an original plot. I've never seen a plot like this where money is stolen in midair and the good guys come out on top. The musical score was outstanding and helped move the movie along at a real good pace, especially during the action sequences. The locations sequences where different too, I believe most of the film was filmed in Europe. I would enjoy seeing another movie of this type with the same actors and actress. The movie moved along at a good pace and was never boring. Maybe some of the interior sets were a little bit of a stretch for the imagination being inside an aircraft, but I felt overall they fit appropriately into the movie.
jwong The acting was so bad that is so difficult to believe in a movie with so crazy ideas. The expressions of the guards and their reactions were so bland that not even rookie actors in a high school play are so unbelievable.So much money on a plane an such lousy and so few guardians on board. Okay a 747 is a huge plane, but you don't transport that amount of money so frequently as to have such an elaborate electronic equipment and a vault on board to "safeguard" the valuables. And also the interior of the "vault" is so unrealistic with high ceilings and very ample rooms, you are not inside a building, but a plane and don't have the luxury of empty spaces.Blowing a hole on the side of a flying plane is no small issue but here the plane keeps flying as if nothing happened. There are so many inconsistencies that made me gag.
john-3047 I found this to be a watchable all be it very predictable movie. There was some good stunt work that gave a fair degree of excitement and suspense to the story. One did however have to suspend ones credulity on a number of occasions for the plot to work. For example despite losing their transfer cable, couplings and harness when the pilot retracted the undercarriage manually, they fortunately found a spare on-board the aircraft complete with Caribbeans. According to the plot drilling a hole in the ceiling of the vault would disable the alarm system in the vault when the system was reactivated (I can't think why), according to Daltry there battery operated drill would be unable to drill through the vault ceiling however they just happened to have a hydraulic drill complete with hoses and fittings to fit the equally convenient take off points in the planes hydraulic system located above the vault. As the plane has a closed hydraulic system it is hard to see how this could be accomplished without affecting the control systems or at least setting hydraulic pressure alarms in the cockpit. Accepting this for the sake of the plot it takes them several minutes to drill a small hole through the top of the vault (tension will they be able to drill through before FED's get there to check the false alarm), yet from the time the vault door closed and before the FED's had walked the few feet to the second security door they had cut a squire hole in the roof of the vault big enough for them to get through. One can accept all theses and other inconsistencies for the sake of a good yarn, however what spoiled the movie for me was when what appears to have been an effort by the script writers to discuses what up to that point was a fairly predictable ending, they killed off the two hero's (If one can refer to crocks as hero's) Ketchum & Brooks one was shot and thrown out of a 747 at 10,000 feet the other wiliest sliding down the cable between the two planes the villain Daltry with one hand manages to unhook the cable carrying the weight of a full grown man with the air pressure of several hundred miles per hour pressing on him, and letting him fall to his death. And yet in the next sequence these two without any kind of explanation (however tenuous or implausible) have miraculously survived the full from 10.000 feet and had time to set up an elaborate scam to get the money. The only comment on there survival was to Sophie that her brother is a bad shot. Don't expect an Oscar nomination for this one.
captainpervert As a fan of Henriksen (I liked him in the "Millennium" series) and of course Lorenzo "Renegade" Lamas, I had expected at least SOMETHING from this film. Sadly, the plot is predictable, the acting is bad and the computergraphics used for most stunts don't work out. Sometimes it even looks like they've captured some shots from Microsoft Flight Simulator.The cinematography sucks as well. Unnecessary funky camerawork in the beginning only detracts (from the cheesy dialogue) and gives the film a cheap, made-for-video-look. It works in hiphop-movies and Jet Li movies, but seems out of place in this flick.I would have liked this film 10 years ago. I was 11 then.