R | 11 October 2000 (USA)
Rangers Trailers

A black ops unit goes to middle east after a terrorist. They are betrayed and their operative is caught. Later, unit leader starts an investigation. Meanwile the enemy offers the operative a chance for revenge against his superiors.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
joes_poop What a terrible movie, every thing about this movie makes me want to take a shower to wash off the filth! The mistakes in this movie are too much for one to handle. For some reason when they parachute from the Hercules in the beginning and hit water it changes from day to night in under 30 seconds and some how they have rubber dingies with huge boat engines that someone had to have had in they're pocket and blew up, because is isn't visible that anyone had any packages when the dove out from the plane. then when they hit land, for some reason they dress up as hobo's while they're still carrying around M4's and Ak's, while trying to be under cover.This is soon followed by the Rangers wandering around the streets taking they're hobo-taskic costumes off, after they only had them on for about 3 minutes, you can't blame them, this film is such a steaming pile of crap I would've refused to dress like a jack-ass. When Joe-Joe dies, and his eyes are about to be closed, you can see that his eyes are closed to begin with. Matt Macoy then shows off his ability to shoot guns while blinking like a mad man. Matt Macoy dosen't even look like someone who'd be in the military, he looks like that substitute teacher who would always try to control you class and yell ' Guys....Guys...Guys comon'.....Guys....comon'guys...' and all you can do is laugh at him as you jump on you desk and shoot spitballs at him. Then you can see a guy who looks like Mister T on a different vehicle in a scene, then in the next scene he's on a different vehicle and then back on the first vehicle. I also never realized that you can shoot a bazooka at someone 10 feet away and nothing will happen to you, and that some people can throw a grenade and it will blow up instantly with a 30 foot high explosion. Also, its great to have a 9mm pistol that can hold up to 40 rounds and can take out 4 car tires in one shot. And the random goons who storm the office building shooting at papers on desks is pretty cool, if you like random goons who shoot at paper on desks that is. Also if your going to take on the U.S. army, there's no better way to do it with 65 guys that look like they shop at the G.A.P., gather them all up, buy a couple dingies, illegally enter America on these dingies, grab a couple of U-Haul vans and go to some building with a whole bunch of barricades around it and start shooting at desks. The icing on this crap-fest is the highly intense bus chase, because there is nothing more exiting than two buses driving in circles. If you want to waste 90 minutes of your life watch this, but I suggest you do it with some friends, one man can't take on the dark forces of this movie alone.
SALUDES There are two sure ways to identify a movie filmed on a low, low budget. One is when blaring mistakes are made in the continuity and detail of the movie and not caught by the film maker. For instance, when a character is introduced as a sergeant in one scene, and then in the very next scene, he's a lieutenant. Or, when a boat is rented for a scene and the flashing red lights of the burglar alarm are left on outside the entrance to the cabin while filming the sequence. This in and of itself isn't that bad, but, when the scene starts off with a burglar breaking into the boat right next to said flashing red lights, one can't help but notice and wonder how that got missed. That's right, you guessed it, these are but a couple examples of the myriad of mistakes made in `Rangers'. The amount of footage stolen from other movies is the other way to quickly ID a cheap movie. Of course, I've seen movies where a few seconds of a scene from a different film is used without it being noticed to much. But `Rangers' goes way to far in this respect. Twenty five minutes of footage is used in `Rangers' from the Chuck Norris flick `Invasion U.S.A'. In fact, during one stolen scene, one can see the main bad guy from `Invasion U.S.A', Richard Lynch, leading his band of terrorists on the assault of a government building; a scene which is suppose to be from `Rangers'. It's almost like the writer of `Rangers' ran out of ideas in the middle of making the movie and decided to stick any old chunk of film in there to fill the hole. A little advice to any aspiring film makers out there, don't steal footage from a really bad movie and add it to your own really bad movie. This only makes for a really, really bad movie. And that's my opinion of `Rangers', a really, really bad movie.
Jakealope But it was very efficient by recycling action scenes and stock footage from other knuckleheaded action movies. Especially silly was the ripping off the beach landing and final battle scenes from "Invasion USA". Really, terrorists are supposed to be stealthy, not stupid using WWll vintage landing craft.
OriginalMatt2 Okay...this movie is terrible. However, I'd almost have to recommend it. First of all, the plot holes are hilarious. Second, just watching the main characters fire their guns is hours of entertainment -- they are so afraid that they can hardly keep their eyes open. But best thing about this movie takes planning, patience, and heavy drinking. Go and rent this, Navy Seals, Red Heat, and Invasion USA. Watch all of them, saving Rangers for last. You will fall out of your seat laughing, especially if you've planned the proper refreshments. Nearly every action scene in Rangers is cut directly from the other three movies. Not copied, cut directly. In order to retain some semblance of continuity, the piss-poor actors of Rangers have to change costumes three times in the opening action sequence to match the clothes with the actors in the scenes they spliced in. It is painfully and comedically obvious, however, when the footage switches between movies. You wouldn't believe it unless you saw it -- I would guess over 25 minutes of 90 minute film are pulled out other movies. If you are bored and want a laugh, try it some time.