Radar Men from the Moon
Radar Men from the Moon
NR | 09 January 1952 (USA)
Radar Men from the Moon Trailers

Commando Cody, 'Sky Marshal of the Universe', works with American scientists Joan Gilbert and Ted Richards in the development of a flying suit and a rocket to the Moon. When the nation's defences are being sabotaged and destroyed, Cody learns that an atomic-gun is being used and that the men on the moon are the culprits.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Aaron1375 First off, it is absolutely dated. There are so many scientific inaccuracies mainly because we had not gotten to the moon as of yet. However, if I were a kid from this era I would much rather see this action short proceeding my film rather than say one of those century 21 shorts or the ones featuring the correct way to do posture. This one features a man who flies through the air with a rocket back pack, and must of been the inspiration for "The Rocketeer". It most certainly was the inspiration for a Mad TV skit featuring a team of guys with jet packs. In this one the hero of the piece, one Commander Cody, must battle a group of people from the moon bent on destroying things with their atomic ray gun! I think that was the plot, it is so hard to say seeing as how the story is broken up and they are always focused on some dangerous cliffhanger that gets quickly resolved in an anticlimactic way at the beginning of the next short. Still, for the time it had to be a lot of fun, I just wish I could see the conclusion to this one. I encountered this serial on MST3K and I do not believe they ever finished it, basically leaving us hanging!
David Elroy This first Commando Cody adventure ain't bad, but the rocket suit, and most of the flying footage, was straight from Republic's first rocket suit serial, King of the Rocket Men (1949), usually considered the last of the great classic serials. Everything good in Radar Men (and there's plenty that's good) is better in Rocket Men! Please see it! The hero and villain have more personality, the action is more hard-hitting and extreme, the plot is more focused, and - perhaps most importantly - there is much mystery and subterfuge. In Rocket Men, our hero must keep his identity secret - no one knows it's him in that suit. And the villain too has a secret identity - we see him only in silhouette. Here, in Radar Men, everybody knows who everybody else is. Enjoy Radar Men (I know I did), but first, enjoy Rocket Men!
cshep If you can remember when outer space was so near and yet VERY far away, then you might want to view this Republic look at good vs. evil fantasy science fiction . Commander Cody(George Wallace) is asked to investigate mysterious bombings, that are destroying vital transportation venues, and buildings.He has this flying suit that goes up when you turn the dial to up and vice versa, great technology . and a space ship too !Graber the Henchman(Clayton Moore) is using a secret weapon delivered from the MOON, to create havoc, and make way for an invasion.This ray gun he is using is very powerful ans can destroy anything aimed at .For 13 Chapters, Commander Cody and his cohorts Ted Richards(William Bakewell), Joan Gilbert( Aline Towne) along with Hank(Wilson Wood) Cody's pilot, battle the forces of evil, in dramatic fashion. O.K., O.K., these plots don't always make sense, but in the 1950's , it was fun Saturday afternoon entertainment!The truth is Clayton Moore(THE Lone Ranger) steals the show as the bad guy !!! He kicks Codys ass more times than I can count .Which is worth the price of admission !Every Chapter ends on a Cliff Hanger and solved the following week .So , if you like to be amused by a glimpse of the supposed future, 1950's style, try Radar Men from the Moon , and get your flying suit on, it is quite a ride . I gave it a 5 out of 10.
Mike-764 Moon ruler Retik assigned one of his people to go on Earth and cripple its defenses to a point when the Moon people could go down and invade it. The defense department gets a hold of the idea, and assigns Commando Cody, with flying rocket suit and all. Cody, along with his assistants, journey to the moon, are nearly killed and go back down upon Earth to stop the sabotage in progress in order to force Retik to come down and strike himself. The only Republic serial that did a good job trying to parody the 50's science craze, is at times ridiculous but still a lot of fun to watch. Sort-of sequel to King of the Rocketman and later inspired a kiddie TV show. Clayton Moore ( the Lone Ranger himself ) plays one of the Moon Men's hired guns. Just a little above average serial at best. I never saw the MST3K version, but they would have had a lot more fun doing Zombies of the Stratosphere or Flying Discman from Mars. Rating based on serials- 6 out of 10.