Rabbit Without Ears 2
Rabbit Without Ears 2
| 03 December 2009 (USA)
Rabbit Without Ears 2 Trailers

Two years have passed. There is a normal life, but handsome Ludo meets his old love, and Anna is very jealous...

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
sugar-abstinence This film has massive problems, starting with an embarrassingly thin plot: girl suspicious of boyfriend, boyfriend gets defensive, girlfriend gets defensive in turn, both partners cheat on each other, they kiss and make up. The end.While telling this 'story', we are treated to low-brow jokes, little character development, and sexist notions about relationships. Ludo is so annoying and childish, you end up wanting Anna to cheat. And then break up, so we don't have to watch any more sequels.The children in the film seem to serve no other purpose than to make Ludo a bit more bearable (after all, the kids like him better than Ralf), and to allow for closure of this far too long film. Even the musical score is ill-matched. One star for the camera-work, with a very nice shot across the water at the end. A pitiful effort.
juliusmoltgen I started with an open mind since I enjoyed Keinohrhasen. That movie was kind of funny. This one however is a total sellout, designed to make an extra buck on the back of the previous movie. The jokes were not even funny and fairly predictable. I just wonder why nobody noticed during the production process how bad this was going to be. How is it to present such a bad movie at a movie premiere to an audience - did THEY think this was good. If you are renting the DVD - get plenty of alcohol, a backup movie and watch it with some friends that are funny. Don't watch it with your children. It's not funny or even enjoyable in any other way. They only way I can imagine someone enjoying this is if you are curious about what watching a really bad movie feels like.
kosmasp I was curious where this story was going to. In part 1 (I'm guessing you have seen that, so no spoilers for the sequel, but for part 1) Til was a reporter, for a tabloid newspaper, but by the end of it, he committed to be work at a Kindergarden. Plus it seemed Tils character and Noras were about to start one very good relationship. But the way the movie starts is a marathon of clichés (about relationships and men/women respectively). And it's not done in a funny way either ... you just get scene after scene, wondering when the movie actually is going to start or not.Of course you might think this is nit-picking and if you watched the movie and liked it, good for you. I wished I could have, but I couldn't really like it (even though there are a few nice scenes, that do not involve excrement or other premature jokes) ...
christiansmovies This movie is the proof that Til Schweiger is not a Director nor a Writer. I never really cared for him to begin with, though he has done some great films. I went to ZweiOhrHasen, since "EinOhrHase" had caught me by surprise, and was a cute little romantic comedy. This film however starts funny, but this one is a cliché flick, that goes under the belt-line real quick. Terrible script, with no punchline... plus Til tries to be more American then German - I never heard a American Ambulance Siren in the middle of Berlin. This movie is a total sellout and a super weak script, and nothing for someone who looks for a bit of quality. If you like under the belt-line slapstick dull movies you may like this... however half way through you may notice that even these jokes (bodily excrement's in a paper bag scene - copied one-2-one) are stolen and become very old very quick. Whatever... and Til: "You are not creative!"