Raaz: The Mystery Continues...
Raaz: The Mystery Continues...
| 23 January 2009 (USA)
Raaz: The Mystery Continues... Trailers

A beautiful lady turns up in an architect's masterpiece.When he founds that she is real, he realizes that she is haunted and hunted by the reasons they have to find out

Micitype Pretty Good
Console best movie i've ever seen.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
sumanbarthakursmailbox The movie starts off very well and promises a grand finale. But once the background story is out, the movie fails in it's attempt to bring everything together and all the characters involved in one big scary bundle. It doesn't work at all and leaves one feeling foolish at the end of an unintentionally goofy little climax.Overall not a bad movie but not worth spending money inside cinema halls.For any horror movie to work, the entire story of why it happened must be really good and solid. For the audience to love and enjoy the movie they must be captivated enough to feel that such-and-such happened because of so-an-so reason. But if the reason doesn't work then the entire premise in which the movie is standing on falls and the film fails to deliver. In Raaz, the entire background story of the ghost and the reasons for the anhonee happenings is a big letdown. Technically the movie is good with some good editing and excellent background music by Raju Singh. The sound effects are good and up to the mark. The cinematography, a very important aspect of any horror flick doesn't raise above average. There has been efforts to use color filters in some sequences but somehow they don't seem to accentuate the scene much.Acting wise Kangana Ranaut has a very meaty role and she delivers it with gusto and gives an exemplary performance.Emraan Hashmi does well but he doesn't anything great in this role. Adhyayan Suman needs to brush up his acting and needs to improve his dancing pronto. In one of the songs his dancing becomes unintentionally hilarious.
creedreaper I could not help but to compare it with the First one, and this one does not live up to it. Although the acting of Emraan and especially Kangana's was very commendable, but this sequel did not had the elements which needed to jump u off u chair, and honestly the first part did. This sequel's storyline went weak, there could've been aloooot of suspenseful ideas made but it fails to do so. I was expecting to see some Exorcisms etc... but towards the end it just gets stupid. The first Raaz catches u right away from beginning with the introduction of Ashutosh Rana and until the end he scares u immensely. The screams on first Raaz really scared the hell out of audiences on every instance but this part u had to wait to get scared. I would say this movie was just a little better then Phoonk, but cannot be compared with First Raaz.
swatimis I have personally failed to come across good Indian horror/thriller movies. But, Raaz seems to put in a good word for itself. It loses a point for Suman's role and acting. Otherwise, well worth watching. Firstly, it presents issues that our society REALLY faces. And secondly, it takes a look at the REAL evil and not just the regular outlook at good versus evil that we're used to seeing. The movie starts off putting forth a lot of questions that were well answered as you watch the movie. The topics raised throughout the movie keep you guessing till the very end. I won't say more about the movie and ruin the suspense for you.A good watch overall. Well recommended for the specific corrupt group of Indian population (the netas, and on and on). ;)
Vikas SS This was supposed to be a very scary movie, or it was at least publicized to be one. Supposedly, four million rupees were spent on lead lady Kangana’s attire and another two to make her look pretty or scary as the scene called for, using visual effects. As with any flick of the horror genre, you keep waiting for something to spook you; but alas, the wait just doesn’t end. Have the Bhatt’s lost touch with horror after its better predecessor? In a poorly scripted beginning, a temple priest is shown killing himself with an amazed American corporate fat-cat looks on. Cut to the city, Nandita (Kangana) is a model who has returned to the circuit after her break up saga. Yash (Adhyayan) runs a show called ‘Andhvishwas’ against superstitions gets back to her and the twine give into the promise of lasting romance. Just then, things start going berserk and Nandita gets possessed.As a possessed Nandita freezes to her bones with fear and battles her fate, Prithvi (Emraan) an artist who has visions of Nandita’s fate comes up to her and forewarns her. The lady’s demeanor turns psychedelic as mysterious hands keep grabbing while her anti-superstition beau has a problem that it goes against his image. With no options left, she turns to Prithvi and the duo head towards ‘Kalindi’, the town where it all began.Since it’s titled ‘Raaz’, let the rest of the story remain a mystery. Nevertheless, I still don’t recommend that you pay through your nose to watch this mess on the big screen. While the plot is not really bad, its weakest point is its narrative. Though the pace picks up towards the end, it’s grossly inadequate. Making it worse was its background score. The directors completely lacked the imagination of using silence to build spooky suspense.Though the movie has no connection in story, locales or people with the earlier Raaz, the new one would rank lower. This time, Kangana steals the show with an impeccable performance as a troubled girl for the fifth time in six films. The modeling part in her character reminds you of Bandharkar’s Fashion. But her dialog delivery is awful as ever. At times I tend to think whether the girl is crazy in her real life too, just like her roles! While Kanagana directly deserves one star of ten for herself, it’s a revelation that Emraan Hashmi can also Act! The sore point among performances is Adhyayan Suman who looks completely lost. For the technical stuff, visual effects and cinematography are commendable; they were let down by the screenplay. To sum up, if you are keen on a scary movie, keep away from this one; else, just be content with the drama overdose!