PG | 03 February 2003 (USA)
Quigley Trailers

When a rich practical joker dies, he's reborn as a dog, which he uses as another chance to right the wrongs he never did as a human.

Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Amy Adler Archie (Gary Busey) is a ruthless businessman who gets what he wants, hook or by crook. Having no personal life, he concentrates on "getting" way ahead of the competition. Curiously, he also has a strong dislike for dogs. One day, as he is driving, he spots a dog in the road and swerves to miss the canine. Both of them, however, end up dead. Now Archie appears before the pearly gates, where the angels see no reason whatsoever to let Archie in. But Sweeney (Oz Perkins) suggests a possible route to redemption. If they send Archie back to earth as the little dog, and he can make two huge gestures of goodwill, he can enter heaven. It's agreed. Archie returns to earth as a beautiful white Pomeranian named Quigley, with Sweeney along as a guide. The former businessman is ordered to set things right for employees at his firm and to make amends with his long-forgotten brother, Woodward (Christopher Atkins) and his family, a wife and two kids. But, how can he do this, all as a tiny dog? We'll see! Actually, this family-friendly film has some very nice messages and a truly great cast. Busey is too funny as the canine, for we see him talking to Sweeney as himself, only in a "begging" pose. Cute. Atkins, Perkins, and all of the rest are very, very fine as well. The production has also been made with great care, for it has lovely camera work, costumes, sets and scenery. The main thing it lacks is a sure-fire script and good direction/editing. For example, most kids will be lost in the first half of the film, for Archie's trip back to his former firm is a bit fuzzy. Why is he looking for a "disc" and how can he make amends with his former employees. Once, however, the story goes in the direction of the family, the pace picks up and children will be entertained. Therefore, it is too bad that there can't be a few "teaser" scenes, in the beginning, about the family and have the corporate scenes worked into the middle. Nevertheless, if you love dogs, family films, and movies with good morality lessons, pick up Quigley. In truth, few folks will not adore this darling little dog's abundant talents and tricks.
dartween73 I was looking to buy the original Benji movie on DVD, and this movie was included with it. I chose to watch this movie basically because I like pomeranians.No it's not Oscar material and no it doesn't have state of the art special effects, but I also don't think it's as bad as some people have made it out to be. It was an okay movie. They did what they could with the money they had.Big budgets and high quality special effects don't always equal a good movie. Seems like most big budget movies that come out nowadays are either all about the special effects (aka: weak storyline), low brow humor, or it's yet another twisted horror movie.So this movie was nice in the sense that it wasn't the usual one of the above.
corkandtee This movie should go down in the annals of fiefdom as one of the worst of all time. I will stop short of saying it's the worst movie ever, only because I have yet to see every movie ever made. I cannot make such lofty claims until then. The story is stale, the acting is horrible, at best, the "special" effects are no more than a couple of lbs. of dry ice and a fan. Somebody must have been related to someone to get this movie made. Mr. Busey mailed this one in! The dog is well trained and cute, making it the only redeeming quality in this never-should-have-made-it movie. Two hours and $3 of my life I will never get back.
survayguy2 Seeing Gary Busey in a G rated film was a first and a nice one at that. I don't know much about the director, but he obviously knows how to spend a few dollars and get the most out of them. Where did Jillian Clare come from? My kids love her! The only thing I remember Christopher Atkins doing was Blue Lagoon. Disney needs to see this film and put him to work. The wife thinks he is very cute. I liked what he did with his character. He seemed so real. What we liked most was the message this film sends out. Greed sucks and faith, love and family wins! This is the first low-budget DVD we've bought that had so much stuff on it. The producers made this one for kids and the kids loved it. They liked the music and all the extras on the DVD. The director probably won't stick to family movies, but I hope he does - cause he really knows how to get the most out of kids, animals and stars like Gary Busey. The dog was great and seeing Gary Busey act like a dog was even funnier. There wasn't much we didn't like about this one. It hard to find a family film without all the crude humor, and Quigley was a delightful surprise.