Quest of the Delta Knights
Quest of the Delta Knights
PG | 05 January 1994 (USA)
Quest of the Delta Knights Trailers

A secret society, the Delta Knights, attempts to save a medieval society from the evil over-lady.

Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Robert Thorpe ha, Holy crud. I remember auditioning for the role of Tee for this film under the title Delta Knights. I remember butchering it so bad. Then a year later, I saw it in the video store and rented it and thanked God I didn't get the part. …. The dialogue was so terrible and in the audition they had me pretend I am looking at a mountain wall looking for a cave or something. I tried to speak with a British accent and failed terribly. Ha. I remember watching and thinking to myself that I cannot believe films this bad get funding. Not to mention a few known actors. but a paycheck is a paycheck. But the director went on to produce Chronicle. some years later.
Qomer I saw this film on MST3K, and can really not add that much to what has already been said. This movie really is that bad, and incredibly historically inaccurate. It also rips off Citizen of the Galaxy with the whole "beggar/spy-in-foreign-land-buys-slave-boy-for-secret-society -and-gives-him-special-training" I'd also like to point out that they not only filmed a renfest in Northern California for the medieval/renaissance/whatever setting, but the exterior of the Ancient Greece scene was apparently filmed in San Francisco at the Palace of Fine Arts. The guys really do suck at crafting a story or directing, but I've got to give them credit original cheap sets solutions. They're Ed Woodian in their ingenuity!
Dan Reading the reviews for these low-budget movies is almost as hillarious as the commentary on MST3K. I'm amazed how a movie made so recently (1993) could be so horrible in every aspect. The acting was bad, the special effects were terrible, the costumes looked more like something out of Tron than the middle ages. What was the deal with the people in Halloween masks that live in the tree or the villain with moose antlers. Plus the plot made no sense at all. I tried to explain it to my freind and he couldn't stop laughing. At least Mike, Pearl, and the Bots gave it the heckling it deserved. In closing... I'm coooooooommmmmmmmming.
thehardyboyz2043 the most historically inaccurate film ever made. I'm not even sure this can be called a movie, maybe it's just an after school special on the middle ages gone horribly wrong. There's something in here, about a boy who becomes the leader of an underground knight group that's trying to stop an evil villain from obtaining a device of unlimited power, at least I think that's what happens. The acting is bad, but the sets and "special effects" are just so laughably bad that it's a wonder this film got released at all. The MST version was funny, though not one of their best efforts. Nothing for the film, but a 7 for the MST version.-I wonder how cheap the casting for the film must have been, well David Warner played both the villain and one of the main heroes, so that may be some indication as to how low the budget was.