Purple Death from Outer Space
Purple Death from Outer Space
| 01 January 1966 (USA)
Purple Death from Outer Space Trailers

Edited version of the 1940 Universal serial "Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe", released in a syndication package to TV in 1966.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Red-Barracuda Flash Gordon battles Ming the Merciless over a new plague devised by the latter called the Purple Death which is presently causing perturbation and despair on the planet Earth.A film edited from several instalments of the 40's serial 'Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe', these were then played on television in the 60's as standalone movies. They are I suppose moderately amusing in that they were made at a time when we knew so much less about outer space, meaning this kind of nonsense could be passed off as vaguely plausible. But on the whole these TV movies edited from ancient sci-fi serials are interminably bad to watch now. The constant stirring music was also fairly hard going to my ears as well. This one may not be quite as painful as its lower budget 50's 'Rocky Jones' equivalent but it is still very much off its time and even though it gives me about as much pleasure as kicking a puppy to say so, I have to say that I thoroughly disliked it more or less from start to finish.
Cristi_Ciopron FLASH GORDON CONQUERS THE UNIVERSE, with Larry Crabbe, Carol Hughes (--the Dale Arden--) and Anne Gwynne (--as Sonja--), directed by Beebe and Taylor, shows the search for Polarite, the attack of the robots (mechanical men, says Zarkov), a blizzard on Frigia, Will Flash Gordon ever defeat the purple plague? This disease is caused by the death—dust, another diabolical invention used by the deluded Ming.Daddy Ming goes on with his nonsense about conquering the Universe, being perhaps the most funny involuntarily absurd movie villain.Ming's sinister soldiers are faceless masks, mindless automates, reduced to a brainless obeying. Apart from the not so strikingly original structure of the group of protagonists and the use of a few planets, this look of the imperial soldiers is the most obvious resemblance to Lucas' universe.The setting is on the famous planet Mongo, then on a deadly cold planet—in another Ruritanian state, Frigia; in Frigia's north, Gordon and his pals, wearing clothes treated with Calorite, search for the Polarite, the only known antidote to the very useful death—dust, the ultimate invention from Ming's top laboratories; Gordon makes the avoidable mistake of taking some geezers (yes, I even count Barin as one of those …) with him, which kind of slow him down, but this only enhances the quality of the suspense.My favorite scenes are those in Ming's temple—the vast hall serving as Ming's throne room, adorned with oriental decorations, with the hideous idol, the belly dancers and the Asian music.This serial has the singularity of featuring the most absurd disguise ever—see Zarkov's disguise, offered him by another geek.After 70 yrs, the Gordon serials remain interesting, a nice testimony to the imperishable interest an exciting movie can raise.
stuff_1004 According to the synopsis, this is an edited down version of FLASH GORDON CONQUERS THE UNIVERSE.That is right and wrong. It is right with the "edited down" part.If my copy on the 50-movie pack "Nightmare Worlds" is correct, It fails to note that it is only the edited down version of the first 6 chapters.You don't see what happens to Ming.In other comments on the internet it says that the title of the serial is only explained in the final chapter, which, of course is not a part of this movie.This movie doesn't solve any problems. It just....ENDS.
Paul_Jay Wonderful cornWhen good guys were good and bad guys were bad and there was never any doubt as to which was which.Imagine yourself as a kid in a time when we didn't know a great deal about space travel and were willing to suspend what little we did know for the sake of adventure.Forgive the costumes and sets that appear to be left overs from old war movies and Robin Hood films. Allow yourself to believe that there are clouds in space, rocket ships that sort of float about sounding like vacuum cleaners and ray guns that discharge lighting bolts that look like they are scratched into the film.In short, quit being a grownup for an hour or two and enjoy this grandfather of "Star Wars"