Private Lessons II
Private Lessons II
| 06 March 1993 (USA)
Private Lessons II Trailers

An insecure young Asian man meets an interesting sensual European woman who teaches him the secrets of love and life.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
kimurafan After tracking it down for half a year, I finally found a copy and it was not disappointing.Not disappointing because I'm one of those die hard SMAP fans who need to see all their works and I finally got to see the so called hot film of Goro. But I couldn't believe Goro was forced to make a movie as such. In his respectable self now, I'm sure he cringes that he made this movie. Nevertheless, they found the perfect person for looking embarrassed, ill at ease and half depressed most of the time.Man, I still can't believe he made this movie...I had to cover my eyes at many parts not believing he really made such a movie....hahahaha....But I'm glad to have watched it. Thank goodness he has grown up....
insomniac_rod I was thrilled to watch this movie expecting it to be the sequel to the cult classic "Private Lessons" which portrays the dream of any male teenager."Private Lessons II" has NOTHING to do with the title I mention. It's just a regular soft-core Cinemax flick that won't make a change in your life. There's just one hot sex scene in a rooftop but that's it. I watched this a long time ago but believe me, this is just a regular boring soft core flick.The women are hot but that's not enough to rent or buy the movie. My advice is to watch this only if it airs on cable.
MaKaeru This is probably one of the worst movies ever made. It's...terrible. But it's so good! It's probably best if you don't watch it expecting a gripping plot and something fantastically clever and entertaining, because you're going to be disappointed. However, if you want to watch it so you can see 50 million vases and Goro's fantastic hair/bad English, you're in for a real treat. The harder you think about the film, the worse it gets, unless you're having a competition to spot the most plot holes/screw ups, in which case you've got hours of entertainment ahead. I'd only really recommend this film for the bored or the die-hard Smap fans. And even then, the latter should be a bit careful, because Goro's Japanese fans were a bit upset about it, they thought he was selling himself out. (He wasn't really, not when Johnny Kitagawa (who was the executive producer) can do that for him).
TeaBunny Private Lessons II is a brilliant piece of moviemaking! It's complex and it makes you think, like Eraserhead. It's uplifting and restores your faith in humankind, like It's a Wonderful Life. It exploits teenage stereotypes, like Fast Times at Ridgemont High. And it's Japanese, like Godzilla vs. Mothra.The mystery of this film is what keeps me watching it again and again. Like, is it in Japan or America? The main character, Ken, is clearly Japanese. But his classmates are American-looking, and so is his teacher. But his best friend is Japanese. And they speak Japanese, but sometimes they speak English, which is dubbed over in English anyway. The result is unsettling and confusing. They show Ken's grandmother briefly, and then she disappears for the rest of the film. The American woman is hired by Ken's teacher to have sex with him, but she is surprised that Ken actually had sex. They all laugh at the most unfunny things I have ever seen. And Ken has really great hair.I recommend picking up the soundtrack if you can find it, if only for the song, "Destination", which totally rocks. >2!
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