Sadly Over-hyped
In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Evil Guest
What this movie suffers from is trying too hard. It is apparent even during the opening title sequence (which ran a bit long) that the intention of the film is to be taken seriously and to be scary, however the movie didn't have the correct materials it needed to achieve this. Its characters didn't have any motivation to be on this paranormal mission, let alone in the movie itself. Characters don't necessarily need to get along, but I find it doubtful that these characters would ever have been teamed up considering the degree of disdain they have for one another. The logic of the characters in executing their paranormal research also falls apart. Again, this wouldn't have mattered if the movie wasn't an honest attempt at the horror genre. It seemed the harder it tried the more its flaws manifested on screen.
Filmed in an excellently chosen location this could and should have been a very scary movie. What we have instead is a complete mess. Obviously low budget and not the best actors in the world, which isn't a problem, but the plot and story telling are woeful. There are a few scary moments but nothing ties together and the story jumps around all over the place and the film just leaves you feeling like you've missed something. I'm a big fan of low budget horror and have seen many a movie and it isn't hard to put a coherent story together so why they failed so miserably here is anyones guess. The effects are not too bad and the characters (although not developed very well throughout the film) are OK but it is all let down by a mish-mash story and poor direction. 3/10