Prey Trailers

Three Australian couples stumble across an ancient curse in the Outback, and their dream holiday turns into a nightmare that may kill them all.

GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
moviescrote Somehow I was under the illusion that Prey was in some way based on an aboriginal legend... Funnily enough not one aboriginal person was to be seen throughout the whole film. It was by far the worst Australian made film I have ever seen. Not one redeemable feature to be seen and the CGI snakes just topped it all off. Audio quality was slightly better than a cassette recording from the early 80's, which was most helpful in muffling the atrocious dialogue that plagued this drivel from start to finish. Characters were the kind of stereotypes that give stereotyping a bad name, and the only soundtrack that could be mustered was the occasional Rogue Trader's track obviously donated by the hapless lead NatBass. For a budget of $4m++ the producers would have been better off putting the cash into an ING account and at least getting the interest on it - not to mention saving all concerned the embarrassment of having their name to the film. I can only assume that some of the positive posts on this site regarding Prey are the contrived efforts of those responsible for this diabolical abortion of a motion (as in bowel motion) picture. Avoid like syphilis.
jvarney81 Australian cinema sinks to an all time low with the release of Prey. A pitiful "horror" film which runs for little over an hour (which in my opinion is a little over an hour too long...) Natalie Bassingthwaighte makes a very poor attempt at an American accent and the inconsistencies throughout the film are unbelievable.I've read that the producers have tried to flog the movie (post-production of course) as a tongue-in-cheek horror film which spells a very convenient means of covering up what has essentially turned out to be a flop.I saw the movie at a Video Ezy last week and when I asked the guy behind the counter whether it had proved popular I was informed that I would be the first to rent it in the 3 months they'd had it. That should have spelled a warning.This movie is destined for the $2.95 bargain bin at a Big W near you!Stay well away from this stinker.
screengems This was the best thing about Christmas this year, being stuck in 200 feet of snow and ice in my relative's crummy house in Buffalo for the holidays. My cousin brought the DVD from Sydney, Australia and was going gaga over the lead actress. She didn't know the lead actor was an American, Miami Vice Don Johnson's son. I went into this expecting something like a low budget Aussie Donnie Darko meets Plan 9 from Outer Space and loved it! I don't understand some of the plot lines why these kids all knew each other, but who cares? Stick a bunch of hot looking guys and girls in some aboriginal sacred sight with a nutcase and a curse and chainsaws and aromatherapists and was a lot more enjoyable than Transformers 2 for my money! The music rocked (Ladytron!) and it was pretty funny and there were two pretty good scares though the girls were pretty freaked out most of the way through. The end credits and 'making of' were very funny and all in all the best 90 minutes of Christams 2009!I'm still not sure what exactly what we saw but we're gonna see it again with a living room full of beer!
robodog-5 I have never felt the urge to write a comment on IMDb before because i either like a film and vote or hate it enough to enjoy it and vote and leave it at that. Until i met Prey, that is. This is the most inept piece of film making to come out of Australia since the good old 80s 10ba system was throwing us some trash. there is nothing redeeming about this film and at 76 minutes it has overstayed its welcome by a good 20 minutes. The entire cast is Australian but for reasons never explained, of the 6 people 4 of them are Americans in Australia (you know they're not really because the accents are atrocious). This film, and i call it that loosely, was developed with Film Victoria. How? Why? I cannot comprehend. This is a movie that is begging for a bit of T & A but can't muster the courage to be the blatantly exploitative movie it needs to be. For gods sake you can even see people swearing when the rerecorded voice is trying to cover it up. This is a testament to Australian film-making at the moment. no courage, no balls and no talent. No matter how flawed they may be, indie produced no budget genre fare (like Gabriel, Undead and The Dark Lurking)are at least trying to be a hell of a lot more than the sum of their parts should be, and for the most part they are succeeding. No wonder all these guys are trying to get to the states, and good luck to them i say!