Posed for Murder
Posed for Murder
| 01 January 1989 (USA)
Posed for Murder Trailers

A model poses nude for men's magazines and acts in slasher movies. Her psycho bodybuilder boyfriend gets jealous and starts killing other men.

mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Kodie Bird True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Jemima It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
udar55 Nudie model Laura (Playboy Playmate Charlotte Helmkamp) finds herself being stalked as she tries to juggle her modeling career, fitness and try to break into low budget movies in NYC. Ah, such is life in the big city. This routine slasher comes from Brian Thomas Jones, who had previously given us the gooey REJUVENATRIX (1988). Not much is going on here and you will probably guess the killer within 15 minutes (hint: there are only two major characters). Lead Carl Fury (real name?) is also a producer on this and makes sure to work in some love scenes with the always nude Helmkamp. In terms of worth, the film does function nicely as a late 80s time capsule of New York City, with lots of nighttime exteriors. The film comes in one of those Rareflix box sets and there is a bonus hidden commentary on the disc with Media Blasters employees Dave Beinlich, William Hellfire, and Richard York. Beinlich has done tons of research on the players and filmmakers and even goes so far as to track down the locations like a totally 80s gym. Fun stuff that makes the movie infinitely more watchable.
lazarillo This movie,which once peered from many a rack at many a VHS-rental store in the late 80's/early 90's (perhaps because no one ever rented it), has been resurrected recently on DVD thanks to Rare Flix and Media Blasters (perhaps some flicks are rare these days for a reason). It's not really a slasher movie, but more of a stalker movie along the lines of other 80's stalker flicks like "The Seduction", "Thief of Hearts", "Lady Beware", or "Party Line" (the latter of which I was once treated to a private screening of--because I was the only one in the theater). It was also an early direct-to-video/direct-to-late-night-cable "erotic thriller" and by the standards of THAT dismal genre it's actually not bad.The heroine of the movie is a sexy men's magazine nude centerfold played by an, um, sexy men's magazine nude centerfold, Charlotte Helmkamp (at least she didn't have to stretch herself too much), who is being stalked by an obsessed fan. There are a lot of shots of her posing nude or in a various states of undress. On the other hand, there are also a lot of shots of the 'roided-up meatheads at the gym where she works out, so this might also appeal to all the "metro-sexuals" circa 1989. Personally,I have hard time getting nostalgic about the year 1989--1984-1986 certainly for personal reasons, and 1991-1992 were real water-shed years in movies and music--but 1989, ehhh.But that leads me to the music in this movie. If I end in up hell, this is the kind of thing they will probably be playing (but without the visuals of Helmkamp getting naked). This movie does have a few things going for it. Helmkamp, at least, is a believable stalking victim (in a lot of later 90's movies, she herself no doubt would have been the crazed stalker). It's also certainly not the worst performance by a former Playboy Playmate. (This was in the days before Jenny McCarthy and Pamela Anderson-Lee-Michaels-Rock). This not the worthiest choice for a DVD release perhaps, but it's not terrible.
movieman_kev Laura (December 1982 Playboy Playmate of the month, Charlotte J. Helmkamp) is a model for a mens' magazine wishing to branch of to work as an actress in slasher horror films (I wonder why she played this part so well...) who's getting stalked by an overzealous ex-boyfriend with murderous tendencies in this apparently nonchalantly-written late '80's slasher flick. These type of films where just winding down at the time and this one didn't really bring anything at all new to the table to reinvigorate the dying genre (no pun intended) Aside from Helmkamp's admittedly spectacular body, I'd be hard pressed to name any other memorable part of this movie. Only for undiscriminating slasher fans, everyone else should steer clear.Eye Candy: Charlotte J. Helmkamp is topless a few times My Grade: DMedia Blasters DVD Extras: Original trailer for this film (with the words 'viewing copy' burnt it); and trailers for "the Incredibly Strange Creatures who stopped living and became mixed-up zombies", "the Hazing", "Somewhere, Tomorrow", "Rat Pfink & boo boo", "the Chilling", & "Faceless" 1 Easter Egg: go to the special features menu and move up to highlight 'Rare' to get a full-length feature audio commentary
Woodyanders Perky aspiring actress and men's magazine nude centerfold girl Laura Shea (a solid and sympathetic portrayal by delectable brunette beauty Charlotte J. Helmkamp, who was "Playboy"'s December 1982 Playmate of the Month) gets terrorized by a deranged psycho killer who brutally butchers various friends and acquaintances. Director Brian Thomas Jones really pours on the blood with the grisly murder set pieces and certainly doesn't skimp on the tasty bare distaff skin (Helmkamp shows off her fabulously voluptuous body in a couple of much-appreciated lengthy nude scenes). Better yet, half the guys in this movie are leering degenerate perverts who are just begging to be bumped off; my personal favorite is the disgusting sleazy health spa janitor who tries to get an eyeful of Laura while she's relaxing in a steam bath (guess what happens to this slimy jerk? Yep, he winds up having his throat sliced wide open!). Adding to the already delicious cheese factor are a few sweaty workout montages, a soundtrack that's loaded with roaring 80's rock tunes (the incredible ending credits theme song is especially sidesplitting!), Tom Marolda's tacky pounding syncopated synthesizer score, the inconclusive "it ain't over yet!" sequel set-up ending, and the inevitable shaky hand-held camera shots done from the point of view of Laura's unwanted sicko admirer. The game cast give generally acceptable performances: Carl Fury as hunky bodybuilder Rick Thompson, Rick Gianasi as helpful by-the-book homicide Detective Barnes, Michael Merrins as Laura's creepy stalker ex-boyfriend Danny, Terri Brennan as Laura's sweet gal pal Terry, William Beckworth as smarmy men's magazine publisher Clifford Devereaux, and Gregory Sullivan as affable health club employee Champ. Special kudos are in order for Roy MacArthur, who contributes a hilarious turn as pretentious hack schlock fright flick director Serge LaRue. A nice serving of vintage 80's straight-to-video trash.