Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
G | 23 March 2007 (USA)
Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea Trailers

On their way through the Battle Frontier, Ash and friends meet up with a Pokémon Ranger who's mission is to deliever the egg of Manaphy to a temple on the ocean's floor. However, a greedy pirate wants the power of Manaphy to himself.

Micitype Pretty Good
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
cureariel What the heck did I just watch? Ugh. This is one of the worst Kids movies I've ever seen in my entire life.And I'm dead serious man, it's worse than Misty's Togepi, It's worse than Wilhelmina's Marill, It's even worse than Ash's Lavitar. And I'm not making this up.I FEEL DEFEATED, I FEEL DISGUSTED,and I feel betrayed. How can they make a movie on The most annoying Misty and Togepi ripoff could be a good idea, huh?Well, at least Manaphy gets to go home in Samiya in the end.I figure that How did Manaphy got popular in Japan again? Because it's called "The Prince of the Sea"? Well Manaphy wasn't actually a Prince, or is he? He doesn't care about anyone. He cared about May, he wants to make money off of this movie, so he could make more fans, more views, and millions and millions of subscribers, so he could be one top of The Internet's community. And it makes me feel god dang.. ugh.. *imitates explosion* You know as bad as the movie is, it could have been worse. I MEAN, COULD YOU IMAGINE MANAPHY REALLY DID GOTTA POPULAR IN JAPAN?
munchbunch-32107 What the heck did I just watch? Ugh. This is one of the worst Kids movies I've ever seen in my entire life.And I'm dead serious man, it's worse than Misty's Togepi, It's worse than Wilhelmina's Marill, It's even worse than Ash's Lavitar. And I'm not making this up.I FEEL DEFEATED, I FEEL DISGUSTED,and I feel betrayed. How can they make a movie on The most annoying Misty and Togepi ripoff could be a good idea, huh?Well, at least Manaphy gets to go home in Samiya in the end.I figure that How did Manaphy got popular in Japan again? Because it's called "The Prince of the Sea"? Well Manaphy wasn't actually a Prince, or is he? He doesn't care about anyone. He cared about May, he wants to make money off of this movie, so he could make more fans, more views, and millions and millions of subscribers, so he could be one top of The Internet's community. And it makes me feel god dang.. ugh.. *imitates explosion* You know as bad as the movie is, it could have been worse. I MEAN, COULD YOU IMAGINE MANAPHY REALLY DID GOTTA POPULAR IN JAPAN?
hayashimegumi Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea (2006) certainly has improved in various areas compared to the previous ones. Throwing a personal Pokémon Movie Marathon does makes it easier to tell the differences between Pokémon films and while it is arguably the worst of worst Pokémon films, I beg to differ; it is not the worst there is although I would agree that it isn't a flawless animated feature! Why? First of all, Pokémon stories usually set on the land or the sky if not alternate dimension. This one is under the sea! There are a lot of endearing water Pokémon which is amazing to watch and there is a brief spectacular Underwater Pokémon Show by Marina Group too! Then, this one has improved introduction which makes it less difficult keep up with the ever growing Pokémon franchise. The creators of these films are more careful now, they did not specify the total number of Pokémon any more.What's more interesting are the new characters introduced, namely the Pokémon Ranger who utilises Capture Stylers instead of Pokéballs to command Pokémon and the story of the People of the Water, the descendants of an ancient water-based civilisation. Manaphy, the featured legendary Pokémon, who is related, is interesting and adorable too. It is quite heartwarming to watch it hatch from egg, bond with May and to be independent in such a short time. Although it is kind of sad that Kyogre and the Temple of the Sea are not much highlighted here, seriously, how can these not make it great adventure family film?Okay, this is just a shorter version of my review so in short, the ending of Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea (2006) is indeed unfortunately ridiculous but it is certainly not the worst because it actually has one of the best backstory, maybe just poorly executed. Honestly, it is actually a pretty sweet, familial film!
Jangobadass "Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea", the 9th movie for the Pokemon franchise, is a rather fun ride. As the movie series progresses, they keep using more and more computer animation, which gets better looking each year. And part nine doesn't disappoint, with gorgeous locales, cool looking vehicles, and even displays of Pokemon powers being displayed in well done CGI.It doesn't hurt that this is one of the more epic stories the movies have seen: a pirate is after a legendary Pokemon called Manaphy in order to use it to find an undersea temple and the treasure in it. But the egg Manaphy's in is stolen by a "Pokemon Ranger" named Jack Walker. Jack ends up joining forces with Ash and Co., as well as a performance troupe descended from the People of the Water who made that temple, and they go on a journey to return Manaphy to where it comes from while eluding the pirate and his crew.Like the other Pokemon movies, this one has its moments. There's a scene involving large floating balls of water and those performers that would put would put Cirque de Soliel to shame. There's a chase scene with helicopters chasing our heroes as they ride in a vehicle that looks like a big boat on wheels. And from the moment they arrive at the temple on end, it's one wild ride.Unfortunately, this entry suffers from the same problems as its predecessors. The voice acting from the new voice cast is a little better than the 4Kids crew, but it's still doesn't make you feel for the characters and their situations like you're supposed to. There's also the problem of Team Rocket; most of the time, they follow our heroes around and talk about what they're going to do while making bad puns, but don't really have a role in the story. The good news is that they're a little more involved this time around, but the bad news is they're still annoying. And once again there's a use of DEUS EX MACHINA towards the end (I won't say what. And the resulting scene is so fun a lot of viewers might not mind) Overall, definitely one the best Pokemon movies. Bring on part 10!
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