Playing House
Playing House
| 25 February 2011 (USA)
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In this taut thriller, newlyweds Jen and Mitch find that three's company and four's a crowd when they ask their friend Danny to move in with them to share expenses. But a sweet situation turns sour when Danny invites a new person into the mix.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
lazarillo A genre from the 1990's that no one misses very much is the "erotic thriller" inspired by the likes of "Fatal Attraction" and "Basic Instinct". A recurring story in these films is a step-daughter/sister-in-law/ex-wife/secretary/temp/ maid/babysitter/ad infinitum seducing or trying to seduce the husband of a married couple and when that doesn't work out, turning into a complete psycho nutcase and murdering several people--and usually a beloved family pet. Well, this is a new one only in that the psycho is the girlfriend of the husband's friend, who is himself staying with the newly married couple as a houseguest. Thus, the movie starts out as already highly implausible.Of course, the girl (Mayra Leal) quickly loses interest in the friend and turns her wanton attentions to the doctor husband. In real-life she could have easily done a lot better than either of these two douchebags, but of course she also happens to be a psycho who has already killed a former boyfriend. So it is left mostly up to the wife to defend her home from this evil seductress.Mayra Leal is mostly known for a small role in "Machete", a role which she performs entirely in the nude, which gives a good indication of where her true talents lie. But she's not TERRIBLE as far as actresses in this genre go (the 90's genre eventually just turned into plot less softcore porn). And Leal does more nude scenes here, making this movie less worthless at least than the bigger-budgeted "Obsessed", which gave us an interracial twist, Beyonce trying to act, and just to add insult to injury, Ali Larter NOT getting naked. This movie at least works as a tame version of a 90's erotic thriller. But does that mean it's worth watching? Uh, not really
kaysild I didn't think this was as bad as everyone else claimed... Seriously everyone said the acting was awful and was hard to get past but I didn't think it was that bad. Maybe because I went in expecting it to be terrible and so my expectations were low, I'm not sure but I will say that the evil biotch did a pretty good job because I hated her and she must've been believable if I hated her character that much. I mean when she had him kill his wife's cat, I WANTED TO KILL THE B*TCH myself! I mean come on that was pretty FB'd up! Leave the animals out of it! So basically im saying the acting must not have been to bad if I was actually passed off at her in real life. I think it's underrated, I mean it's a low budget thriller what do people expect! It's been done similar before but it's still better than rewatching other movies in my opinion so I'd say if you have free time and your bored and the movie is streaming free then go for it. I wouldn't pay for it but definitely worth a watch for free. Ill guve it 8 stars just to bump it up, really prob worth a 6 tho
kjunman1 Another review on here writes "Mayra Leal shows some T&A but one would do MUCH better merely watching Machete instead" HA! Her scene in Machete lured me into renting this wacky illogical soft core slasher movie. Unfortunately, Ms. Leal's acting talents and voluptuous quotient were quite deceptive in Machete--more does not always mean better; in Machete we only get a one minute glimpse of the Latin cutie before her quick demise. In House, each minute she is on screen further shortens her future chances in legitimate cinema. If you are watching this on DVD, the previews from this same production company give you a warning what you are in store for.
Tony Heck "I really do love you house, it's amazing. I want it." When newlyweds Mitch (Welzbacher) and Jen buy their first house they have trouble paying the mortgage. After asking Mitch's best friend Danny to move in they think they will have the time of their lives. When Danny brings home new girl friend Blair (Leal), the lives of all take a drastic turn. This is a strange movie to review. The movie itself is actually pretty good and makes you feel tense almost all the way through. The Blair character is very creepy (think of Sharron Stone is basic instinct, but more psycho.) One huge problem with the movie is that the acting is so bad that it almost distracts from the movie. Some of the scenes are a little over the top, but they fit the movie. For a B rate horror movie with no known actors this is actually a pretty pleasant surprise, just don't expect to see them in a lot of stuff (I wouldn't be surprised to see the girl playing Blair to be on an MTV reality show though, she is a few steps above the "Jersey Shore" but definite "Real World" material.) Overall if you can get past the acting this is actually a very good thriller, one of the better ones in a while. I give it a B- (the - because of the acting).Would I watch it again? - I don't think I will.*Also try - Basic Instinct & The Roommate