Plan Bee
Plan Bee
PG | 21 January 2008 (USA)
Plan Bee Trailers

Bing loves being a bee in DC. He loves the fresh air, the fragrant blossoms, and the honey. But when a ruthless queen hijacks the hive, Bing's world is turned upside down.

Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
xinyiyantan A professor in the University of Central Florida that taught me very well about cinema, submitted a wonderful script to different movie studios about two kids over the summer living with their father inside a boat, as they sail the western hemisphere for multiple reasons. But, despite the good script, had a major issue that did not allow for it to ever be filmed: it did not figure out its audience and failed to reach a demographic to aim for. The script was much too mature for kids to watch; yet the piece was about kids, which wouldn't interest the adults. It was a coming-of-age story that would have issues entertaining anybody, despite the rich material. This is the biggest issue of Bee Movie.Bee Movie tries to entertain kids and adults yet has very little humor for the children, nevertheless a plethora of jokes for the adults-but the cutesy factor becomes a turn-off for the parents. As a matter of fact, Bee Movie could have definitely benefited from edgier material and aiming the film towards an older audience. Jerry Seinfeld has a wonderful story to tell, but the kids would definitely not be interested. Bee Movie involves a major lawsuit, celebrity cameos, hidden humor about actors, and the typical Seinfeld humor that made the comedian a household name back in the 90s. The movie does have its laughs, does indeed contain its moments, but it could have been much better if it didn't try so hard to appeal to the kids.In this movie, we follow a recently graduated bee by the name of Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld) that decides to fly away from the hive to see the world prior to picking the one job he'll work for the rest of his life, whatever that may be. After an incident involving a tennis ball, a spunky florist Vanessa (Renee Zellweger) saves him. As his relationship with humans, especially Vanessa, improves, he learns that humans eat honey and decides to sue the entire human race. About a dozen of well-known actors and actresses are sprinkled in this movie, ranging from Oprah Winfrey to Ray Liotta to Chris Rock to even Sting (okay, so he doesn't act). The best vocal performances in this movie however come from Matthew Broderick (Ferris Bueller, adult Simba) and of course, Patrick Warburton (Kronk in Emperor's New Groove, The Tick, and Joe from Family Guy).Unfortunately for Dreamworks, Pixar is once again raising the bar in animation with the incredible Ratatouille earlier this summer. So, with such competition, the animation department suffers a lot. Whenever the action slows down (the flying sequences, albeit not enough of them, were good) the lack of detail becomes obvious; the trees look the same, the buildings look the same, and some of the voices doesn't match the faces. For example, when Ken (Warburton again) screams and rants, his face does not match the explosion of rage. Even older flicks like Madagascar, Over the Hedge, and Ice Age looked better. Seinfeld's vision of the bee world was unveiled, but not with a rather lack of detail.Where the movie scores its biggest points lies in the fast-paced, unpredictable humor of Jerry Seinfeld. This is a well-written story with an original plot and plenty of jokes to throw at everybody. The slapstick and physical humor rather misses more than hits, but the Seinfeld-humor (you whether understand this very well, or not at all) delivers most definitely. Whether it's the sidesplitting one-liners, subtle pop culture gags, or the hilarious cameos (Ray Liotta's scene was comic gold), the Master of Nothing still has the jokebug in his blood. The performances do indeed enhance the experience, but some are underused; best example is Chris Rock. The slow moments come whenever slapstick replaces dialogue, and it happens several times.Bottom Line: Bee Movie is a decent flick for adults, but not that great for kids. Finding the balance between material for kids and material for adults is not easy yet in this film it becomes so one-sided, you wind up laughing a lot but feeling sorry for the kids watching at the same exact time. The story and dialogue are unique and refreshing, but at the same time it almost feels wasted because half the audience will get a kick out of it. Jerry Seinfeld once again delivers, but should probably try to stay away from making substance for kids, and remain with the witty adults. Animation isn't a big deal either, so the visuals will not astound you that much either. Instead, come in for the great dialogue and a potential step towards making more computer-animated flicks for just teenagers and adults---even though this genre is almost always marketed towards the "rugrats."
Caitlyn This movie honestly changed my life, I have a whole new look on life because of this movie. The incredible top-notch animation is something to truly behold, it could easily be compared to top rated Pixar and Disney films in terms of the quality. Watching the film I had to constantly remind myself that I was not watching the bee movie (considered the spiritual successor to Plan Bee) it was just that impressive! Now onto the plot, it too was incredible all the characters were fully fleshed out with intricate back stories that actually related to the plot and relationships developed between any characters were necessary and unlike many other films they were unpredictable and bring a fresh face to the industry. In conclusion this is an incredible movie that truly outshines all others in the field.
drummerzac-137-42265 Once in a lifetime you'll come across a film that truly captures the history and cultural distinctions of the modern world the way a person can subjectively perceive it through our guided field of perspective. I have to admit, I had my doubts when I first learned of the movie. After all, Plan Bee? Will this movie even be good? How ignorant was I to even have these thoughts. Little did I know I was about to indulge in what may have been the best 2 hours and 21 minutes of my life. The movie started out strong. The opening scenes enticed the audience with a captivating enigma. I was so taken aback from the next-generation animation that I almost didn't even realize the underlying symbolism in the ongoing scenes. It wasn't until my twenty sixth viewing of the movie where I finally got my bearings together and was able to focus on the gripping and labyrinthine stratagem. The underlying analogy for 19th century distopianism and the evangelical deviation of typical orthodoxy was enlightening to say the least. Just when I thought the movie could not get any better, the increasing conflict before the climax began. I could not believe the complexity of the story as the main bee protagonist, Bellza, struggled with the everyday endeavors for a quintessential bee such as the consistent up- hill altercation of the fight against misogyny and the fiscal synergy of opposing interplanetary dynamisms. There I was, gripping to my chair as the conflict of the movie began. I was so enticed by the movie that I felt as if I was both practically and relatively apart of the movie. This is a special kind of high that not even the strongest of drugs can give you. Was I part of the movie? Am I inside the movie right now? This movie will leave you questioning existential nihilism and the objective skepticism of our perceived valuation of anthropological existence. At this point in the film, I was fully intoxicated by the avant-garde animated art style. That's when the plot finally aggrandized and I was completely stupefied. You could have lived a thousand years of isolation trying to predict the plot twist and you would never even scratch the surface of what actually transpires in the movie. I was so bewildered that I actually had to pause the movie so that my existential crisis didn't dive too deep inside of myself. Even pausing the movie was surreal. It's almost as if life paused with the movie. I felt as though I had actually become a cinematic tangent quantum. The effects are still wearing off and I haven't been able to watch the movie in several years. I spent the following seven years afraid of what outside of my house actually looks like. Every single day and night I live in misery because I became fully aware that happiness is never achievable. I realized that human life has absolutely no meaning and that no matter what I ever do, it is of complete unimportance and in years from now, no recollection of my existence will prevail, meaning that if I died years ago, died now, or die sometime in the future it will not matter whatsoever to anyone. But, then again, the fact that I'm living doesn't matter either so I might as well stick around for awhile, living in complete isolation, condemned to a life of traumatic memories and a completely corrupted sub-conscience. Plan Bee literally ruined my life. 10/10
Flo Rida This was one of the best movies I have ever seen in my entire life. The stupendous character development makes me question every director for not following this directors methods. I cry myself to sleep thinking about how amazing this film was. The film really made you question what really is life. What have we been doing as humans, not as bees. It gives a really accurate depiction of a bee life, and how a bee feels. The ending, which featured the universe enveloping in on itself, really tells how much our survival relies on bees. The dramatic scene between the two main bees made me question my existence. The actor's passionate delivery of every single line made me shiver with excitement. This film has changed my life for the better. Please take time out of your life to enjoy this cinematic masterpiece.