Plain Dirty
Plain Dirty
R | 20 January 2003 (USA)
Plain Dirty Trailers

Inez Macbeth is a pretty young woman married to Edgar, a moody and unstable felon. When Inez becomes interested in the sensitive and wealthy lawyer Druden Hunt, Edgar derails their budding romance by keeping her captive in their home. With his scruffy buddy, Flowers, on hand to watch Inez, Edgar continues to hold her prisoner, but eventually she devises a way to escape that tests the loyalty of Flowers and leads to murder.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
LeonLouisRicci It's not really plain dirty it is forever filthy. Even the scenes in the rich guys world are stereotypical Southern sleaze that are darkly lit and dusty with layers of sunlight fighting to get in. The folks all look like they are in desperate need of soap and water. So much so that it distracts scene after scene as the viewer is remotely washing these people from their seats.It is supposedly "realistic" and non Hollywood but to what end. It is so overdone that makeup probably worked overtime and therein it lies. Too much emphasis on the visual and not enough on the motivations or the believability of the characters and plot. It is clichéd and fails to grab hold in the clinch. Even the central murder scene is half-hearted and so low key that it just fails to be of any significance except to say, we are not being exploitive here. We will do that with the muck and mire and the scabs and has some craft work and is not without worth, but the movie is just too heavy handed. The film falls into the White Trash swamp and never rises and is nothing more than a fantasy for trapped, abused women. But even they are not given the catharsis they need. So it all emerges from the dark and the damp as a not so clever, less than satisfying, story of a girl with grit.
screamingfoot I watched this all the way through one night until about 2am and couldn't look away. Dominique Swain is phenomenal as the lead in this film and I have to say, I've yet to see a better portrayal of Southern white trash than that depicted by Swain and her counterpart. To use a film review cliché (that I hate), Swain "sizzles" in this film. There are SO many layers to her performance, I'm dumbfounded as to why she's not being cast in more mainstream films.The writing in particular has some really nice poetic aspects to it which were a welcome element.All aspects of the film are top notch - writing, score, production design, cinematography - it's ALL good..
utilisateur_anonyme Union Mortelle, French titleFirst minutes, we are taken in a strange, unusual situation. One girl, obviously important in the movie seems to believe in spiritual ritual, vision and other psychic believes. Living in a kind of ranch, the girl with two other boys: maybe one of them is the girl's husband, boyfriend named Edgar. Inez and Edgar have a love and hate relation. Movie shows violence, insult between them. No parents, they are independent. A short scene shows Edgar with his best friend Flowers robbing a jewelery. Flowers who didn't talk much at first, suddenly begun to talk a lot when alone with Inez. Inez lover interaction make a hole between Inez bad life environment and his sane life.After a secret plan against him, Edgar is killed assassinated. We have now a crime scene. (But) Crime is fast solving to an accident. Then start a touch of humor when (the) wild Inez lives in new house. Her playing is very good. She acts well the bad girl, childish, vulgar and suspicious girl. Also a great she has a great performance when she passes from kind girl to rude one.J.
aimless-46 Dear Mrs. Swain: I thought you would want to know that your daughter Dominique has been hanging out with those Tonic Films people in North Carolina. After they made a sequel to "Redneck Zombies" called "Cabin Fever", they talked her into starring in another one of their student productions. Although her attempt at a southern accent is absolutely hilarious, the humor is wasted because this movie, "Plain Dirty" aka "Briar Patch", is not a comedy despite some great pirate jokes after she begins wearing an eye patch.Fortunately she keeps slipping in and out of both accent and character throughout the performance, between this and the movie's audio problems viewers will not even notice her accent. To Dominique's credit, all the other performances seriously stretch the limits of credibility so she may have simply been trying to give the movie a sense of unity.Dominique has certainly puffed up since she left Malibu high school, she reminds me of Amanda Bynes on steroids and most likely could beat up all three effeminate actors in her movie.Now that she is back in California maybe her acting coach can figure out a way to curb her tendency to chew the scenery, although as you know this is hardly the first time. With a patch on one eye and the other mysteriously swollen shut, she spins around and flaps her arms like Patty Duke playing Helen Keller. It would be best to keep her away from those Star Trek reruns because her style increasingly resembles William Shatner's.I am confident Dominique has finally bottomed out with this movie, if only because the production itself is rock bottom. Which is particularly unfortunate because the original story idea was quite good, the problem was in the execution.